Tag - ntt



Japan Times
Mar 15, 2018
Brooklyn sale by Kushner family firm, at 60% premium, linked to NTT — one-third owned by Japan's government
Two months after Jared Kushner joined the White House as a senior adviser, his family firm sold a stake in a Brooklyn building to a unit of a company whose largest shareholder is the government of Japan.
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital / ON: TECH
Dec 17, 2017
Smart ways to communicate
The Babel fish stick
Japan Times
Jul 24, 2017
Japanese firms give telecommuting a try on designated day to ease rush hour congestion
It's Monday morning. You roll out of bed, grab a coffee, sit on the couch and you're already at work. Sound good? Well, that's how the government wants you to work.
Japan Times
May 1, 2017
Urban Japan trying its hand at bicycle-sharing
The so-called sharing economy has spread to a variety of fields such as cars and homes, and Japan has seen another rising trend in recent years — bicycles.
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital / ON: TECH
Feb 18, 2017
Techie home comforts
A polite talking ted
Japan Times
Feb 1, 2017
Tokyo Olympic chiefs call on public to recycle smartphones to make medals
Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic organizers are urging people living in Japan to help make the medals for the games by donating their discarded smartphones for recycling.
Japan Times
Dec 23, 2016
Foreign-owned IT firms to challenge Trump's concept of 'American'
Open up the guts of the U.S. government — something President-elect Donald Trump hinted he will do — and what do you see?


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan