Tag - nippon-ishin-no-kai



Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 28, 2022
New Nippon Ishin leader promises to continue co-founder’s policies
Despite recent electoral gains, the second largest opposition group in parliament must learn to appeal to voters outside Kansai and further distinguish itself from the ruling LDP.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Aug 14, 2022
Japan's pro-constitutional reform parties struggle to get on the same page
The four parties remain apart in their positions on not only the top issue of amending the war-renouncing Article 9 but also on less controversial items.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 11, 2022
Japan's opposition parties ponder leadership after election drubbing
Any celebrations of relief for CDP, or success for Nippon Ishin, may be tempered by concerns over who will take over the reins in the years ahead.
Japan Times
Jul 10, 2022
Polls open in Upper House election upended by Abe's death
The vote is expected to determine if Prime Minister Fumio Kishida can win the mandate he needs to push forward with his agenda in the coming years.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Explainer
Jul 1, 2022
With LDP victory likely, what's at stake in Japan's Upper House poll?
While the winner seems assured, the exact outcome will determine Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's authority, the prospect of constitutional revision and the smooth working of parliament.
Japan Times
Jun 24, 2022
Five things to know about Japan's opposition parties going into the election
Unseating incumbents is usually difficult, but media outlets and observers are giving opposition parties even less a chance than usual of scoring big wins.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 24, 2022
Unified opposition candidates in only 11 districts for Upper House poll
The 11 districts will see effective one-on-one battles between a ruling bloc candidate and an opposition contender in the election for the upper chamber of the Diet.
Japan Times
Jun 24, 2022
Nippon Ishin and DPP face struggle to differentiate themselves in election
Past cooperation with each other — and with the LDP — is weighing on the two opposition parties ahead of the Upper House election on July 10.
Japan Times
Jun 22, 2022
Upper House campaigning begins with opposition focused on economy
A strong showing for the LDP would allow the prime minister to put his own stamp on both the ruling party and the direction of the country.
Japan Times
Jun 20, 2022
Defense and fiscal policy loom large ahead of Japan's Upper House campaign
The ruling LDP is seeking to put an emphasis on defense and diplomacy, but worries over inflation threaten to limit the party's success.
Japan Times
Jun 15, 2022
Fruitful parliament session for Kishida ends with some grumbles at the margins
Kishida's first session as prime minister saw a popular stance on Ukraine and a 100% record on bills passed, but inflation and a re-emerging reputation for indecision present some worries.
Japan Times
Apr 1, 2022
The Dubai Expo is over. Next stop: Osaka
Due to the Dubai event's one-year postponement, Japanese organizers have just three years, instead of the usual four, to finalize preparations.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Jan 16, 2022
Kishida gears up for test of his mettle in parliament ahead of key election
Success for the prime minister depends on how well he oversees the passage of a record-breaking fiscal 2022 budget — all while tackling COVID-19 and fending off opposition challenges.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / Outlook 2022
Dec 31, 2021
2022 will offer key tests of Kishida's ability to grow into PM role
An upcoming Upper House poll and the omicron variant are among the things that will test the prime minister's capacity to build on successes and lessons from 2021.
Japan Times
Dec 14, 2021
Citing local needs, Kishida defends use of coupons in financial aid plan
One estimate has shown that administrative costs for the central government would more than triple to u00a596.7 billion if coupons are included in the handouts to young people.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Dec 5, 2021
Omicron threatens to blunt Kishida’s momentum as parliament session begins
Confusion over tough entry restrictions prompted by the new COVID-19 variant has thrown a wrench into the leader's plans while emboldening the opposition.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?