Tag - national-security-agency



Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Feb 15, 2018
Terrorism ruled out as trio held after trying to drive onto National Security Agency campus, drawing fire
Three people who tried to drive onto the campus of the U.S. National Security Agency near Washington, drawing gunfire from guards, were taken into custody on Wednesday in an incident the FBI said had no link to terrorism.
JAPAN / Politics
Apr 25, 2017
Tokyo evasive on report of secret deal with NSA over mass surveillance program
The government's top spokesman on Tuesday declined to comment on — but did not deny — a report alleging that Tokyo has secretly and closely cooperated with the U.S. National Security Agency in intelligence-gathering, having been provided with an extremely powerful mass-surveillance tool that can...
Jul 4, 2014
NSA surveillance needs more alert watchdog
A U.S. senator now worries that there isn't the judicial oversight to prevent the National Security Agency from using its access to the giant pile of foreign-intelligence information it has collected over many years to conduct warrantless searches for communications from Americans.
Jan 15, 2014
The 'Internet of everything'
The advent of the 'Internet of things,' the ever-expanding array of connectedness between computer sensors and consumer devices, promises convenience as well as privacy and security concerns.
Jan 6, 2014
NSA-less costs of making life safe
Aren't there other ways of spending tens of billions of dollars that would save more lives than America's National Security Agency is credited with saving each year
Nov 18, 2013
NSA spying accomplishes little beyond alienating allies
The U.S. National Security Agency's spying accomplishes little beyond alienating America's allies.
Nov 13, 2013
Spotlight on the Deep Web
It's hard to believe that the prodigious talents at America's National Security Agency cannot apply themselves to the problems of the unregulated dark domain of the 'Deep Web.
Nov 12, 2013
Media redirection waters down impact of dissent
The way U.S. media outlets chose to cover the anti-NSA march last month provides a fascinating window into a form of censorship they often use but we rarely notice: redirection.
Nov 9, 2013
Weakness in intelligence rankles Germans
Germany's exposure to the NSA's prying eyes is a blunt reminder of its past aggression and humiliation long after the country has cleaned up its act. And this rankles Germans.
Nov 7, 2013
The limits of surveillance
Whether the issue is NSA's mission or constitutional principles, the constraints placed on how intelligence services operate in a democratic society should reflect a consensus reached by its citizens.
Aug 4, 2013
Focus on facts, not fear, in a public NSA debate
It's time for a meaningful public debate about how NSA's communications data collection programs actually operate, not just the potential dangers they may pose.
Jun 13, 2013
Is NSA's snooping worse than TSA's groping?
A former NSA contractor who washes up in a Chinese city-state to rail against the state of U.S. privacy doesn't hold a lot of credibility with many Americans.


Atsuyoshi Koike, the president and CEO of Rapidus, says there is a “sense of urgency” when it comes to Japan’s efforts in manufacturing semiconductors. “We have to make sure we are successful,” he says.
Atsuyoshi Koike’s big game: Fourth down and 2 nanometers to go