Tag - narendra-modi



May 28, 2015
Narendra Modi is too old for modern-day India
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist agenda is out of synch with the values of India's youth.
May 20, 2015
Modi's refreshingly novel outreach to Beijing
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is refashioning India's policy toward China, and the new stance comes none too soon.
May 10, 2015
An open letter to Indian leader Narendra Modi
The Congress Party wasted 60 years. Narendra Modi must not waste the remaining 48 of his 60 months.
Mar 31, 2015
India asks Saudi to help evacuate citizens from grave situation in Yemen
India asked Saudi Arabia on Monday to help evacuate its citizens from Yemen, where more than 4,000 Indians, over half of them nurses, are caught up in fighting.
Japan Times
Mar 30, 2015
Singaporeans bid final farewell to founding father Lee
Tens of thousands of people braved heavy rain and lined the streets of Singapore on Sunday to catch a last glimpse of founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew as his funeral procession wound through the country he helped build.
Mar 27, 2015
What can Modi learn from Lee Kuan Yew
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent political stumbles with regard to reform, including his failure to get a key land-acquisition bill through Parliament, are a reminder of the unruliness of India's democracy.
Mar 22, 2015
Modi's outreach to three Indian Ocean states
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's tour of the Seychelles, Mauritius and Sri Lanka indicates that India has at least made a good start toward tackling China's economic and strategic challenge in India's backyard.
Japan Times
Mar 10, 2015
Modi's Indian Ocean tour aimed at muscling out China
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was set to begin a tour of three Indian Ocean countries Tuesday as he seeks to prevent China from establishing a military foothold in a region his nation has dominated for decades.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2015
Modi bets on GM crops to feed India
On a fenced plot not far from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home, a field of mustard is in full yellow bloom, representing his government's reversal of an effective ban on field trials of genetically modified (GM) food crops.
Feb 15, 2015
Upstart Indian party slows Modi juggernaut
Delhi voters appear ready to give the Aam Aadmi Party another chance after recent state elections. It testifies to the hard work that members of this anti-corruption upstart have done the past few months to reinstate confidence in their ability to deliver on commitments. They managed to cast the party of new Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the 'establishment.'
Japan Times
Feb 12, 2015
Obama's lovefest with Modi
There are questions about how deep the relationship is between India and the U.S., as opposed to that between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Barack Obama.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Feb 3, 2015
Indian's Modi stokes radical Hindus' anger over economic focus
In an ashram near the Ganges River in the Himalayan foothills, Indian priest-turned-politician Sakshi Maharaj mimes rowing a boat to illustrate what will happen if Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government ignores Hindu nationalist demands.
Feb 1, 2015
Obama and Modi work the magic of 'optics' for the benefit of each other's home crowd
For his first Republic Day in office — a day when India celebrates its republican history, diversity and military might with a grand pageant in New Delhi — Prime Minister Narendra Modi dipped into his hat and pulled out Barack Obama. The main point of the U.S. president's visit seems to have been 'optics.'
Japan Times
Jan 30, 2015
New phase in India-U.S. ties
What India's prime minister and a lame-duck U.S. president have just accomplished again underscores how well Narendra Modi understands the workings of modern-day diplomacy and how far ahead he is of his political critics.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jan 26, 2015
Global warming deal gains steam as Modi signals shift on climate change
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India is ready to expand its use of renewable energy as a way to reduce greenhouse gas pollution, a signal that his government is moving toward joining an international deal on global warming.
Jan 26, 2015
Obama backs India's solar goals, seeks support for climate talks
U.S. President Barack Obama on Sunday offered to help finance India's ambitious solar energy target and sought Prime Minister Narendra Modi's support at global climate talks in Paris later this year.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jan 25, 2015
Modi, Obama announce nuclear breakthrough after New Delhi talks
In a glow of bonhomie, U.S. President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a deal aimed at unlocking billions of dollars in nuclear trade, a step that both sides hope will help establish an enduring strategic partnership.
Japan Times
Jan 24, 2015
Obama looking to leverage ties with Modi during India trip
Barack Obama will do something in India on Monday that an American president almost never does in public: He'll sit in one place, in a foreign country, for hours.
Japan Times
Jan 22, 2015
As Obama prepares to visit, India pushes back against Chinese influence in region
When Sri Lanka unexpectedly turfed out President Mahinda Rajapaksa in an election this month, it was the biggest setback in decades for China's expansion into South Asia — and a remarkable diplomatic victory for India.
Jan 18, 2015
Reshaping India's diplomacy
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has shaken up the foreign policy establishment with his readiness to break with conventional methods and shibboleths, yet he appears to have no intent of encunciating a Modi doctrine in foreign policy.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?