Tag - museum-of-kyoto



Japan Times
Jul 23, 2020
Staying real for the sake of art: Museums and festivals proceed with caution
Japan's artistic institutions stress the importance of in-person exhibitions and events after months of closures and COVID-19-related fears.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / CHILD'S PLAY
Jan 13, 2020
Picture the fun at a manga museum
Built into a repurposed elementary school, the Kyoto International Manga Museum, one of the most impressive manga repositories in the world, will keep kids entertained for hours.
Japan Times
Jan 22, 2019
Left-field visions of Kyoto's rising artists
The Museum of Kyoto's latest exhibition presents a promising cast of 45 emerging local artists working in miscellaneous mediums from lacquer to small-scale mixed-media installations.
Japan Times
Mar 13, 2018
Turner: The landscaper of art genres
J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851) remains among the most adored of British landscapists. His natural draftsman talent, in union with the hard work ethic of his time led to recognition and formal training at the Royal Academy of Arts, where he was elected to become one of the institution's esteemed Academicians...
Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design
Dec 31, 2017
A few ways to go the whole dog in 2018
Cats may have surpassed dogs as pets in Japan for the first time in more than 20 years, but that hasn't stopped the nation preparing for the year of the dog with canine events and all manner of engimono lucky charms to see you through the year. Here are a few picks for those who want to indulge in a...
Japan Times
Feb 14, 2017
'The Exhibition of The Sengoku Period: A Century of Dreams'
Feb. 25-April 16
Japan Times
Jan 31, 2017
The future looks bright for artists in the ancient capital
"Kyoto Art For Tomorrow" at The Museum of Kyoto draws together single pieces by 43 up-and-coming artists under the age of 40. Focusing on a new generation, the exhibition looks forward to the international attention Japan will receive for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Indeed, the show adopts Pierre de Coubertin...
Japan Times
Nov 29, 2016
Mirocomachiko: Creatures Tone
Japan Times
Jun 25, 2014
The evolution of Seiki Kuroda
In all too-common sophomoric slight to artists is: 'A child could have done that.' Seiki Kuroda (1866-1924), the most significant Western-style painter in Japan's early modern history, however, shows that even some young adults can not accomplish what takes years to hone.
Japan Times
Dec 25, 2013
'Sato Taisei: A Retrospective Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Artist's Birth'
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Taisei Sato, one of the leading nihonga (Japanese-style painting) artists of the postwar period, the Museum of Kyoto brings together around 120 works, including some newly restored paintings.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties