Tag - mitaka



Japan Times
Feb 22, 2021
Pandemic gives extra momentum to cashless drive in Japan
Even local governments — typically the last in line to introduce any kind of technology — are starting to jump onto the digital payment trend.
Japan Times
Dec 5, 2015
A quick lesson on sexual harassment in schools
When you find criticism of your country disturbing, the best way to dismiss it is to find a flaw in the critique and use it to justify dismissing the rest of the evidence as well. Sometimes it works, but only if people don't really do their homework.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Film / Wide Angle
Nov 11, 2015
Mitaka Community Cinema relives the glory days of local theaters
Ah, for the days of real movie theaters. Just as a certain Seattle-based company has made the brick-and-mortar bookstore obsolete, the real-deal cinema house died a slow death — first maimed by the multiplex and then killed by the Internet.
Japan Times
May 20, 2014
Mitaka's 3 Stories is a birthplace of new tales
They say that when you enter a good bar you should bring with you an anecdote that you share with the bartender or another customer sitting at the bar, who, in turn, would also have a story to exchange. By the end of the night, after a bottle of whiskey to loosen the tongue and a few laughs, a new story...
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink
Nov 28, 2013
Tasty hot cocktails arrive in time for winter
On finding refuge from the fall and winter cold in a warm bar, there's no need to endure a chilled beer: Recently hot cocktails are becoming more common, in Tokyo at least, and make for a comforting start to a night on the town.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks