Tag - missiles



Japan Times
Jan 23, 2017
May refuses to confirm Trident missile failure fired from sub off Florida last year
The British government is being accused of concealing the failure of an unarmed ballistic missile launch ahead of a debate in Parliament over whether to refurbish the country's aging Trident nuclear launching system.
Nov 24, 2016
Moscow says missile deployment on disputed isles should not hurt Russia-Japan relations
The deployment of Russian missile systems on the Kuril Islands should not influence efforts to settle a long-running territorial dispute between Moscow and Tokyo over the islands, the Kremlin said.
Jul 28, 2016
China says pressing ahead with own anti-missile system
China's Defense Ministry confirmed on Thursday that it was pressing ahead with anti-missile system tests after pictures appeared on state television, amid anger at South Korea's decision to deploy an advanced U.S. anti-missile system.
Japan Times
Jun 22, 2016
Test launches show North Korea making progress in developing midrange missile
Two new test-fires confirm the North's progress in developing its intermediate-range Musudan missile, says the Defense Ministry.
Japan Times
Jun 21, 2016
SDF on alert for possible North Korean ballistic missile launch
The Self-Defense Forces go on alert for a potential ballistic missile launch by North Korean, revving up their Patriot interceptor batteries just in case.
Japan Times
Jun 9, 2016
Pyongyang plans late-June legislative assembly
North Korea said on Thursday that it will convene a session of its parliamentary in late June, following a rare congress of the country's ruling Workers' Party in May that cemented young leader Kim Jong Un's control of the isolated state.
Japan Times
Apr 14, 2016
Pyongyang ICBM capability growing, requires U.S. to boost missile defenses: Washington
U.S. intelligence believes North Korea's ability to reach the United States with an intercontinental ballistic missile is low, but its capabilities will increase, making continued investment in missile defense essential, U.S. officials said on Wednesday.
Japan Times
Mar 30, 2016
Missile-maker adapts guidance systems for self-driving cars
Mitsubishi Electric Corp., a supplier of air-to-air missiles to Japan's armed forces, is looking to adapt the technologies it originally developed for military use to help autonomous driving cars detect obstacles and avoid collisions.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2016
Beijing's Paracel military buildup seen as precursor to Spratly ambitions
From listening posts to jet fighter deployments and now surface-to-air missiles, China's expanding facilities in the Paracel Islands are a signal of long-term plans to strengthen its military reach across the disputed South China Sea.
Japan Times
Feb 19, 2016
U.S. should stop lecturing China about North Korea
China has demonstrated it has yet to be convinced to destroy its own ally and strengthen America's position in Northeast Asia.
JAPAN / Politics
Feb 10, 2016
Japan reimposes ban on visits by North Korean nationals and ships
Tokyo announced Wednesday new unilateral economic sanctions on North Korea following its Jan. 6 nuclear test and the launch Sunday of what Japan denounced as a long-range ballistic missile.


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