Tag - minerals



Aug 9, 2016
Japan plans to search for, mine metals deep beneath the ocean
As deep as 1,600 meters under water and 1,500 km from Tokyo, work has begun on the new hunting ground for metals in Japan, a country so devoid of natural resources that most of what it needs has to be imported.
BUSINESS / Companies
Mar 26, 2015
Toho Zinc to restore Australian mine output amid global deficit
Toho Zinc Co., Japan's third-biggest producer of the metal, will restore full capacity at its Rasp mine in Australia around the middle of this year after improving access to high-grade ore deposits.
Dec 2, 2014
A common sense policy on conflict minerals
Funding conflict and human-rights abuses through the purchase of natural resources is not an acceptable cost of doing business.
May 18, 2011
Osama bin Laden's ghost
Osama bin Laden's death in his Pakistani hiding place is like the removal of a tumor from the Muslim world. But aggressive followup therapy will be required to prevent the remaining al-Qaida cells from metastasizing by acquiring more adherents who believe in violence to achieve the "purification" and...
May 15, 2011
Japan's rich heritage
At long last, Japan received a bit of bright news May 7, when it was announced that two sites in Japan, the historic Hiraizumi area in Iwate Prefecture and the Ogasawara Islands some 1,000 km south of Tokyo, were almost certain to be designated as World Heritage Sites at meetings next month of the UNESCO...


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly