Tag - military



Japan Times
WORLD / Politics / FOCUS
Jul 7, 2013
Egyptian secularists get a second chance
Egypt's liberal and secularist groups, long plagued by infighting and poor organization, say the coup that ousted the Islamist president, Mohammed Morsi, has given them a second wind and a fresh chance to unite.
Japan Times
Jul 6, 2013
U.S. has spotty record on aid cuts after coups
The Foreign Assistance Act, a U.S. law first enacted in 1961, is pretty clear: It says, in Section 508, that the United States must cut aid to any country "whose duly elected head of government is deposed by military coup or decree."
Japan Times
Jul 3, 2013
Finds raise toxic chemical suspicions at ex-Kadena site
The Okinawa Defense Bureau and the city of Okinawa uncover seven more barrels at a former U.S. base site that may have been used to hold toxic chemicals during the Vietnam War.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 26, 2013
Japan wary of China forces buildup, North threat: paper
Japan has been vigilant against China's military buildup and North Korea's nuclear and missile threats amid what it considers a worsening security environment, an overview of the Defense Ministry's 2013 white paper said Tuesday.
Japan Times
Jun 25, 2013
Tokyo: Do you think conscription — in Japan or elsewhere — is a good thing or a bad idea?
I think conscription is a bad idea because we always say people are equal and can do what they want, and I myself am all for liberty and freedom of choice. To that end, people, whoever they are, must be able to do what they want, and if they don't want to [join the military], that is quite alright.
Japan Times
Jun 22, 2013
Syrian rebels claim to receive heavy weapons
The rebels in Syria say they are starting to receive heavy weaponry that could swing the civil war their way after a shift in U.S. policy opens the door for others to send them arms.
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 5, 2013
China asks Japan, U.S. to cancel drill for recapturing island
China has asked Japan and the United States to cancel a drill set for this month in California by U.S. forces and Self-Defense Forces to recapture control of a remote island, in light of the Sino-Japanese row over the Senkaku Islands, sources said Tuesday.
Japan Times
Jun 4, 2013
Manning 'harvested' secret papers: prosecution
Opening the court-martial of U.S. Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, a military prosecutor charged Monday that he "harvested" a massive trove of classified information from secure networks and made it available to America's enemies by dumping it onto the Internet.
Japan Times
Jun 4, 2013
'Okinawa bacteria' toxic legacy crosses continents, spans generations
Tu Du Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City houses one of Vietnam's busiest maternity clinics, but hidden in a quiet corner, far from the wards of proud new mothers, is a room stacked floor to ceiling with every parent's nightmare.
Japan Times
Jun 4, 2013
As evidence of Agent Orange in Okinawa stacks up, U.S. sticks with blanket denial
In April 2011, these Community pages published the first accounts of sick U.S. veterans who believe their illnesses were caused by exposure to Agent Orange on Okinawa during the Vietnam War era.
Japan Times
May 31, 2013
Syria claims it has received advanced Russian missiles
Syria has received its first shipment of long-range S-300 air defense missiles from Russia, President Bashar al-Assad was quoted as saying Thursday, raising the specter of further Israeli intervention in the two-year conflict.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
May 31, 2013
U.S. soldier to admit Afghan massacre to avoid execution
Seattle AP A U.S. Army staff sergeant charged with killing 16 villagers in one of the worst atrocities of the Afghanistan war will plead guilty to avoid the death penalty in a deal that requires him to recount the horrific attack for the first time, his attorney said.
May 30, 2013
U.S. Army mulls hybrid-engine model for next mainstay tank
Next year, the U.S. Army is expected to choose a larger tank to replace its Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle, which has been in service since 1981. If the army accepts one contractor's proposal, its armored brigades could be relying heavily on a tank with a hybrid engine for several decades.
May 30, 2013
New U.S. weapons have China worried
Recently a U.S. test of an advanced, long-range weapon — apparently designed to reduce U.S. reliance on nuclear arms in a crisis — set alarm bells ringing in China.
Japan Times
May 28, 2013
Osaka: What do you make of Mayor Toru Hashimoto’s comments about “comfort women” and his suggestion that U.S. forces in Okinawa use local brothels?
He's a perfect example of why 'diapers and politicians should be changed often, and for the same reason'! He's too incompetent for Osaka, and should be 'promoted' to national government. I've lived here for 30 years; I miss the old days when mayors and governors concentrated on administering Osaka and stayed out of the limelight. Hashimoto should take his showboating to Tokyo and leave Osaka under the radar.
Japan Times
May 26, 2013
U.S. drone program 'tough to dismantle'
The White House is ready to hand U.S. drone operations back to the military from the CIA, but counterterrorism officials are convinced the Pentagon hasn't improved enough yet.
May 25, 2013
End the U.S. military's culture of sexual violence
There may be fertile ground for reducing the number of sexual assaults in the U.S. military: Why not round up those in charge of handling sexual-assault cases?
Japan Times
May 22, 2013
Tests don't end provocation pause: U.S.
North Korea's test-firings of six short-range projectiles in three days may not reflect a return to a pattern of provocations by Kim Jong Un's regime, according to the U.S. military's top spokesman.
Japan Times
May 21, 2013
Thein Sein stresses 'special place' for military
The military that ran Myanmar for decades will continue to play a major role in the country, the former general who has presided over the transformation of a nation that only three years ago was considered one of the world's most repressive said Sunday.
May 16, 2013
Mr. Hashimoto's unacceptable words
Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto's call for greater use of sex shops by U.S. Marines stationed in Okinawa increase suspicions about his common sense and sense of dignity.


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals