Tag - military-3



Japan Times
Mar 5, 2022
Underground U.S. groups funnel fighters and medics to Ukraine
A former U.S. military linguist is arming volunteers with Russian phrases before they head to Ukraine to fight, while another was in Ukraine linking volunteers to groups on the ground.
Japan Times
Mar 2, 2022
U.S. stands firm behind commitment to Taiwan, delegation says
Taiwan's government is juggling competing high-profile visits from the U.S. in a busy week of diplomacy as former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrives.
Japan Times
Feb 26, 2022
U.S. warship transits sensitive Taiwan Strait
Taiwan is currently in a heightened state of alert due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, nervous that China may try to take advantage of the situation to make a move on the island.
Japan Times
Feb 23, 2022
South Korea presidential front-runner seeks to 'reset' China ties with extra THAAD missile system
The top foreign policy adviser to Yoon Seok-youl said the candidate would ditch the current administration's strategic ambiguity in relations between Washington and Beijing.
Japan Times
Feb 16, 2022
U.S. arms sent to Ukraine would blunt but not stop a Russian invasion
Since 2014, the United States has committed more than $2.7 billion in security assistance to Ukraine, according to the Pentagon, including a $200 million package in December.
Japan Times
Feb 15, 2022
What does the Ukraine crisis mean for Taiwan? That's up for debate.
On the surface, the similarities between the situations in Ukraine and Taiwan seem obvious, but the U.S.'s role in a conflict over either place would likely be very different.
Japan Times
Feb 3, 2022
How advocates for democracy can stop military coups
Wherever possible, elected leaders should work to build public support for constitutional changes that dilute the power of militaries.
Japan Times
Jan 29, 2022
Japan weighs deploying U.S. spy drones to MSDF base in Kyushu
Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi said that the government was considering the temporary deployment of U.S. MQ-9 unmanned surveillance aircraft to an SDF base for the first time.
Japan Times
Jan 29, 2022
U.S. support of Taiwan independence could spark military conflict, China ambassador says
While Chinese officials have warned of military action over Taiwan, it is unusual for them to link it directly to the United States.
Japan Times
Jan 24, 2022
Nago election result a boost for ruling coalition and a blow to anti-base movement
The loss of the Nago mayoral candidate opposed to the relocation of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma to the city spells trouble for Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki.
Japan Times
Jan 24, 2022
China sends warplanes close to Taiwan amid report of new naval presence near Japan
The incursion, the largest since October, came as a report said that Beijing had recently established a constant naval presence between southern Japan and eastern Taiwan.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Explainer
Jan 21, 2022
Decades on, text governing U.S. forces in Japan is yet to be revised
Scrutiny of the Status of Forces Agreement has been renewed after U.S. military personnel were exempted from Japanese COVID-19 measures and areas around U.S. bases saw rises in cases.
Japan Times
Jan 20, 2022
Chinese military buildup 'cause of instability' in Asia, ex-U.S. Indo-Pacific Command chief says
As concerns over China's growing assertiveness rise, including fears of a contingency in the Taiwan Strait, renewed attention is falling on Japan's alliance with the United States.
Japan Times
Jan 19, 2022
Fix structural problems now or face SOFA revision later
The bottom line, however, is that without transparency, accountability and trust, the U.S.-Japan alliance will not enjoy the full support of the public.
Japan Times
Jan 16, 2022
Hiroshima as permanent host of NPT review conference?
Hiroshima should be the permanent host of all future NPT review conferences so that discussions and negotiations are held in the shadow of the realities of nuclear warfare.
Japan Times
Jan 15, 2022
U.S. bill would block defense contractors from using Chinese rare earths
The bipartisan legislation would force defense contractors to stop buying rare earths from China by 2026 and use the Pentagon to create a permanent stockpile of the strategic minerals.


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