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Tatsuo Hashida (second from right), head of a group representing victims who suffered from having given large donations to the Unification Church in Kochi Prefecture, speaks during a news conference in Kochi on Tuesday.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Mar 26, 2025
Unification Church victims voice joy over stripping of group's legal status
The Tokyo District Court stripped the controversial group of its religious corporation status on Tuesday.
Textbooks carrying QR codes that link to websites with video and audio learning aid materials
Mar 26, 2025
Most Japanese high school textbooks to include QR codes
In response to the rapid progress of digitalization, many of the textbooks include descriptions on information ethics and generative AI.
Nobuya Fukumoto (far left), a lawyer for the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, known as the Unification Church, is surrounded by the media at the Tokyo District Court on Tuesday after it ordered the group to be stripped of its religious corporation status.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Mar 25, 2025
Tokyo court strips Unification Church of religious corporation status
The order against the group, heavily criticized for its coercive tactics in soliciting donations, removes its tax-exempt status.
The Tokyo District Court is expected to present its decision regarding the dissolution the Unification Church on Tuesday.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Mar 23, 2025
Tokyo court may decide on Unification Church dissolution on Tuesday
The fatal shooting of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe shed light on the Unification Church's controversial practices.
On Jan. 22 last year, the education ministry called on prefectural boards of education across the country to instruct schools to conduct annual checkups by, in principle, having students wear gym clothes or underwear during examinations and holding them separately for boys and girls under the supervision of teachers of the same gender.
Mar 18, 2025
School doctors still risk complaints from parents over health checkups
A survey shows many physicians do not want to be involved in schools' annual checkups out of concern that parents do not want their children's bodies to be shown to doctors.
Elementary and junior high school students study online at Free School Mirai in the city of Nagano.
JAPAN / Regional voices: Chubu
Mar 17, 2025
Schools face challenges in evaluating students not attending classes
There is concern that assessing students through grades may run counter to supporting those who cannot attend school.
A woman who works at a private university in Fukuoka Prefecture as a part-time lecturer is still negotiating with the university over a cut in the number of classes she teaches.
JAPAN / Regional Voices: Kyushu
Mar 10, 2025
'Highly educated working poor': Part-time lecturers lament stagnant wages
Many worry that raising their voices could lead to a reduction in classes, which impacts pay, or even dismissal.
The education ministry hopes that creating a system in which people can obtain licenses without completing a training course at the undergraduate level would help midcareer professionals enter the field of teaching.
Feb 16, 2025
Japan to review teaching license system to help midcareer aspirants
It is currently impossible to obtain a license with credits from only graduate schools.
The share of university students who accepted job offers as of Dec. 1 dipped 1.7 percentage points from a year earlier, the first decrease in four years.
Jan 24, 2025
Share of university students in Japan who accepted job offers falls
It is the first decrease in four years, as some students who received job offers from several companies apparently hesitated to pick one.
Experts in Japan emphasize the importance of supplementing a new legal framework with expanded opportunities for drug education targeted at young people.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Jan 21, 2025
Many in Japan advocate for drug education to combat cannabis abuse
More than 80% of cannabis-related cases detected in Osaka in 2023 involved people in their 20s or younger, according to the Osaka prefectural police department.
The competition rate of employment examinations for public school teachers in Japan hit the lowest levels for all of elementary, junior high and high schools since data began being compiled in fiscal 1979.
Dec 27, 2024
Japan sees record low competition rate for becoming school teachers
The decline reflected the mass departure of teachers who reached retirement age, which led to increased demand for new recruits, as well as a decrease in the number of applicants.
Education costs for children who attend private schools from kindergarten through high school have hit a record high of approximately ¥19.76 million, according to a survey released by the education ministry.
JAPAN / Society
Dec 26, 2024
Cost of private education through high school hits record high in Japan
Total education costs for children who attend private schools from kindergarten through high school, including tuition and cram school fees, are approximately ¥19.76 million.
Katsumi Arase (left), head of the Central Council for Education, receives from State Minister of Education Arata Takebe a consultation document asking the panel to consider ways to give schools more discretion in setting their curriculum, at the education ministry on Wednesday.
JAPAN / Society
Dec 25, 2024
Japan eyes more discretion for schools in upcoming curriculum revision
A government panel has been tasked with considering ways to give schools more flexibility in determining class hours and content as part of the next curriculum revamp.
Tohoku University is set to be the first recipient of a new state subsidy program for universities aiming to offer world-class research capabilities.
Dec 24, 2024
Ministry approves 25-year plan by Tohoku University to boost research with aid
The education ministry is set to start providing the university with some ¥15.4 billion for the program's initial year.
Japanese elementary and junior high school students continued to get high science and math scores in an international survey in 2023.
Dec 5, 2024
Science and math scores remain high among students in Japan in 2023
A related questionnaire showed that more junior high school students in Japan found studying math and science to be fun.
Japan Airlines' entrance ceremony. As of Oct. 1, 72.9% of job-hunting students had received job offers, down 1.9 percentage points from a year earlier, according to a joint survey by the labor and education ministries.
JAPAN / Society
Nov 15, 2024
Share of graduating Japanese university students with job offers falls
The labor and education ministries attribute the 1.9-percentage-point drop to a seller's market in which students take time to consider multiple tentative offers.
The education ministry plans to boost support for hiring more assistants to help truant students.
JAPAN / Society
Nov 10, 2024
Japan to enhance support for truant children
As the number of truant students continues to rise, the Education Ministry aims to secure more support personnel.
Truant students at high schools numbered 68,770 in fiscal 2023, a record high.
Oct 31, 2024
Truancy hits record high in Japan in fiscal 2023
The number of truant students at elementary and junior high schools rose by some 47,000 from the previous year to a record 346,482.
The number of public elementary and junior high school buildings without quake-resistance in Japan totaled 135 as of April 1, down by 60 from a year before.
Oct 30, 2024
Only 135 of Japan's public schools not quake-resistant
By prefecture, Ehime saw the lowest proportion of quake-resistant school buildings, at 98.0%.
Fukuoka Prefecture Medical Association executive director Takeshi Inamitsu said schools should take the initiative in deciding the methods used and things to be checked during their students' health exams.
JAPAN / Science & Health / Regional Voices: Kyushu
Sep 16, 2024
Students' clothing at school health checkups comes into focus
Doctors worry signs of illnesses or abuse may be overlooked if examinations are performed in gym clothes or other clothing as urged by the education ministry.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties