Tag - mens-issues



A rally in support of South Korea's impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol on Jan. 18. Young men have emerged as a key demographic that has come out in support of Yoon, in contrast to the many young women participating in protests opposing him.
Feb 24, 2025
Men, media and MAGA deepen South Korea’s split
Political polarization in South Korea is evermore extreme, with many young men rallying around impeached President Yoon, fueled by online media and a MAGA-inspired movement.
Tokyo’s notoriously crowded trains and train stations can be stressful for many. Unfortunately, the ぶつかり男 (butsukari otoko, bumping man) takes his stress out on others through shoving, elbowing and shoulder checks.
Jan 31, 2025
Mind the gap — and the shoulder checking: Dealing with pushy people in Japan's crowded spaces
Knowing what to say in the moment is good, knowing how to report it to the authorities is even better.
Marriage boosts men’s health, but women’s outcomes depend on having an egalitarian partner, with caregiving gaps revealing ongoing gender inequalities.
Jan 13, 2025
Equitable marriages could save lives (and love)
Husbands live longer than single men. For wives, the calculation is more complex.
Messages from so-called Active Clubs surged on Telegram over the past month.
WORLD / Society
Nov 22, 2024
Extremists on Telegram pose as fight clubs, raising alarms in U.S.
The loosely organized network in the U.S. and Canada consist of men who say in online forums they’re working to stop the elimination of the white race.
Workers remove flowers from a makeshift memorial outside the Zhuhai Sports Center in Zhuhai in south China's Guangdong province on Nov. 13, two days after 35 people were killed in one of the country's deadliest car attacks in years.
Nov 20, 2024
Mass casualty attacks in China put focus on mental health as economy slows
The events have led to a spike in worries about the health of society in China, where attacks have occurred with alarming regularity throughout 2024.
While baldness can often be the butt of jokes in Japan, it can also be a powerfully freeing act of self-acceptance for those struggling with hair loss.
LIFE / Lifestyle
Nov 16, 2024
Thinning up top? Hair loss in Japan is not the end.
Among Asian countries, Japan has the highest rate of alopecia at around 26%, as well as 7.8% of women experiencing some form of hair thinning.
A vaccine that can protect against six types of cancer is available: the human papillomavirus vaccine. Despite its proven effectiveness, many parents and others remain hesitant over its use.
Sep 20, 2024
Boys need the HPV cancer vaccine as much as girls
The virus doesn’t only cause cervical cancer, it’s the culprit behind numerous other cancers
Chen Hualiang (right), his wife Mao Li (left), and children posing at their home in Shanghai. Chen takes on household tasks many Chinese fathers tend to leave to their wives, bucking a deep-rooted patriarchal tradition and even inspiring a hit TV show.
Sep 19, 2024
China's 'full-time dads' challenge patriarchal norms
Social norms in China have for centuries dictated that men are the breadwinners, while women take care of the household and children.
A government survey has found that 31.7% of men age 20 and older in Japan and 21% of women can be classed as obese.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Aug 28, 2024
Obesity among Japanese men continuing to rise, government survey shows
The 2022 survey found that 31.7% of men age 20 and older had a body mass index, or BMI, of 25 or higher.
High school students submit a request to the Saitama Prefecture Board of Education in the city of Saitama on July 23 asking for 12 girls- or boys-only public high schools to remain single-gender.
JAPAN / Society
Aug 23, 2024
Saitama divided over making single-gender high schools coed
A prefectural panel said last year that rejecting girls at boys-only schools is against the United Nations convention on discrimination against women.
A line of children's clothes featuring slogans about lazy, uninvolved fathers have sparked an online backlash.
BUSINESS / Companies
Aug 1, 2024
Japan store pulls 'lazy dad' kid clothes after backlash
Some commentators called them an affront to hard-working fathers, while others said they highlighted the country's childcare gender gap that weighs heavily on women.
Passengers exit trains at Hamamatsucho Station in Tokyo.
JAPAN / Society
Aug 1, 2024
Paternity leave uptake in Japan hits record 30%
The new record represents a 13 percentage point increase from the previous year.
The current survivor pension benefits system for couples without children has different criteria for payments depending on the recipient's gender.
JAPAN / Society
Jul 31, 2024
Ministry proposes changes to pension payments to surviving spouses
Under the welfare ministry plan, payments would be limited to five years for both men and women in the 20s to 50s without children.
Perhaps being seen in the company of your own children in the right places — playgrounds, schools, etc. — can make you seem more approachable and allow children to say exactly what’s on their mind.
Jun 24, 2024
‘You’re a spy, then?’ The odd interactions of a non-Japanese father in Japan
Remember to keep your ears open whenever you’re near children and you’re guaranteed to hear something that’ll make you think.
Sunflowers are a popular gift for Father's Day in Japan.
Jun 16, 2024
Father's Day custom in Japan developed in own way
In Japan, the Father's Day Council was established in 1981, branching off from the Men's Fashion Unity, for the purpose of disseminating the custom of Father's Day.
Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
JAPAN / Society / Longform
Jun 15, 2024
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan
Meiji Era fathers were stern, those from Showa had to be productive for the nation. Heisei dads were told to get involved at home. What will the "Reiwa Dad" look like?
However non-Japanese fathers in Japan manage the vagaries of life abroad, many share a preference for forging ahead for the benefit of their children.
Jun 14, 2024
There’s no one-size-fits-all fatherhood for foreign-born dads in Japan
From Hokkaido to Okinawa, fathers in Japan talk getting married, raising kids and taking life as it comes.
Dads in Japan tend to fall in one of two categories: "amatō," a person fond of sweets, or "karatō," a person fond of alcohol.
Jun 14, 2024
Dads like sweets, but some like sweet words even more
Looking for a gift for Father's Day? It's said that Japanese dads fall into one of two categories: They like sweets or they like sake.
Here are a handful of places around Tokyo where you can treat the dad in your life to the pampering they deserve.
LIFE / Lifestyle
Jun 12, 2024
Retro barbers, executive facials: Pamper dad with a Tokyo spa day
Despite forward-thinking on male grooming, Japan markets these pampering services largely toward women — but here are a few places dad might enjoy this Father's Day.
A voter arrives at a polling station in San Diego, California. According to a recent survey, young U.S. men were the only population group in the United States or seven EU member states actually to have become more conservative since 2014.
WORLD / Politics
Apr 13, 2024
Despair makes young U.S. men more conservative ahead of U.S. election, poll shows
The study offered context for November's U.S. presidential poll and a plethora of votes worldwide, including an EU parliamentary election in June.


Pedestrians commute through Shibuya Station in central Tokyo, an area that is almost never devoid of people.
As the rest of Japan shrinks, Tokyo grows