Tag - medicine-4



Japan Times
Apr 28, 2021
Social capital: The overlooked variable to economic growth
Social capital is the glue that holds communities together. Under the right conditions, such mutually beneficial social interactions lead to economic growth and better health outcomes.
Japan Times
Apr 28, 2021
As India reels, vaccine hoarding could backfire on rich nations
There is a growing realization that vaccine nationalism has the potential to ultimately prolong the pandemic.
Japan Times
Apr 26, 2021
The pandemic will be more deadly this year — particularly for India
The more people infected in emerging countries, the more opportunities COVID-19 will have to develop into fresh strains and prolong this death and misery.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Apr 22, 2021
Indian maids count cost of COVID-19 in testing times
Some housing complexes have even put up camps to test staff for free before they enter the building, but many employers are insisting the maids pay for the tests from their own wages.
Japan Times
Apr 22, 2021
U.S. weighs global vaccine intellectual property waiver opposed by drugmakers
The European Union, U.K., Japan, Switzerland, Brazil and Norway are also among territories resisting the measure currently before the WTO.
Japan Times
Apr 18, 2021
Telemedicine will be great after COVID-19, too
By April 2020, half of U.S. physicians had adopted some version of telemedicine, up from 18% in 2018.
Japan Times
Apr 18, 2021
COVID-19 survivors may need just one shot of a two-dose vaccine, studies show
The issue has become all the more urgent since safety concerns have been raised about vaccines from Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Apr 17, 2021
Why the vaccine safety numbers are still fuzzy
If there is a connection between the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and a rare clotting syndrome, new cases are likely to emerge now that the word is out.
Japan Times
Apr 16, 2021
COVID-19 is more deadly in Brazil than India, and no one knows why
Why the Latin American country has been far more devastated by the pathogen is baffling experts.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health
Apr 15, 2021
FAQ: What to know about getting vaccinated against COVID-19 in Japan
Japan expanded inoculations to its elderly population on April 12, and will eventually roll out the vaccine out to the public. Here is what you need to know.
Japan Times
Apr 14, 2021
The FDA’s caution on the J&J vaccine is a costly mistake
The FDA acted after blood clots were observed in less than one in a million people who have received the J&J vaccine. COVID-19 has already killed 1,712 out of every million Americans.
Japan Times
Apr 14, 2021
How pandemics change the course of history
When COVID-19 first arrived last year, everyone’s go-to historical parallel was the 1918 influenza pandemic. Precisely because it was so fleeting, it’s hard to find evidence that it caused a sweeping reorientation of everyday life. In its wake, most people simply forgot what happened. Other global...
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Apr 14, 2021
Vaccine blood-clot side effect puts focus on immune reaction
Health officials are exploring whether and how an immune reaction may occur in people who have received vaccines made by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.
Japan Times
Apr 13, 2021
U.S. calls for pause on Johnson & Johnson vaccine after clotting cases
The concerns about the shot mirror those about AstraZeneca's, which European regulators began investigating last month after some recipients developed blood clots.
Japan Times
Apr 13, 2021
COVID-19 widens the cracks in a fragmented, contested world
Insight, however, no matter how good, is wasted when policymakers aren't paying attention — a lesson that the Global Trends report makes painfully clear.
Japan Times
Apr 12, 2021
Asian nations scale back AstraZeneca rollout amid safety woes
The moves may delay protection for the region amid concerns that the shot could trigger a rare and potentially deadly blood clotting condition.
Japan Times
Apr 12, 2021
China considering mixing COVID-19 vaccines to boost protection rate
The move comes after Beijing's top disease official said the country's available vaccines 'don't have very high rates of protection.'
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Apr 11, 2021
Astra vaccine unmasks EU split between West and desperate East
The former Eastern Bloc is home to almost a quarter of the EU's 440 million population and is struggling to tame the pandemic.
Japan Times
Apr 11, 2021
South African variant can 'break through' Pfizer vaccine, Israeli study says
The study suggests the vaccine is less effective against the South African variant, compared with the original coronavirus and a variant first identified in Britain.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?