Tag - malaysia



Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 28, 2014
Pushing locals aside, Russians take top rebel posts in east Ukraine
As Ukrainian troops gained ground in eastern Ukraine in early July, separatist leader, Aleksander Borodai, a Russian national, left for Moscow for political consultations.
Japan Times
Jul 27, 2014
Malaysia PM: Agreement reached with Ukraine separatists on MH17 access
An agreement has been reached with separatists in Ukraine to enable international police to oversee a site where a Malaysian plane was downed and investigators to determine why the aircraft crashed, Malaysia's prime minister said on Sunday.
Japan Times
Jul 23, 2014
Flight MH17 wreckage riddled with telltale signs of missile strike
Photographs of debris from the downed Malaysian jet show what seem to be telltale holes left by a missile strike on the Boeing Co. 777, defense experts said.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 22, 2014
U.S. Vice President Biden says Putin has no soul: magazine
Vladimir Putin has no soul, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden concluded after meeting with the Russian leader at the Kremlin in 2011, according to an article in the New Yorker published online on Monday.
Japan Times
Jul 22, 2014
Malaysia Airlines flew over Syria
Malaysia Airlines rerouted a flight over Syria on Sunday after its usual path over Ukraine was closed, reflecting the challenges airlines face in finding conflict-free routes between Asia and Europe.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 21, 2014
Ukrainian ambassador to Japan calls on Russia to act like a 'responsible global power'
The Ukrainian ambassador to Japan says Vladimir Putin must show that his country is a responsible global power by establishing normal relations with its neighbors.
Jul 21, 2014
Dutchman escapes Malaysia Airlines incidents — twice
A Dutch cyclist, riding for the Terrengganu team in Malaysia, escaped a Malaysia Airlines plane crash. Twice.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 21, 2014
U.S. presses case against Russia on downed jet as horror deepens
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry laid out what he called overwhelming evidence of Russian complicity in the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 as international horror deepened over the fate of the victims' remains.
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 20, 2014
Abe vows dialogue with Putin, taking softer line than West over Ukraine jet
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged to continue dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin, taking a softer line with Moscow than some Western powers after the shooting down of a passenger jet over Ukraine.
Japan Times
Jul 20, 2014
Bodies rained down on village after plane was shot out of sky
First came the loud explosion that made buildings rattle: Then it started raining bodies. One of the corpses fell through the rickety roof of Irina Tipunova's house in this sleepy village, just after Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 exploded high over eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatists are fighting...
Japan Times
Jul 20, 2014
Malaysia Airlines may face global legal claims
Malaysia Airlines may need to convince judges from several countries that it was not negligent to send a plane over war-torn eastern Ukraine if the airline hopes to avoid an outsize legal exposure for the downing of Flight MH17, aviation lawyers said.
Jul 20, 2014
Malaysian lottery outlets halt 'hot' bets on MH17-related numbers: newspaper
Some Malaysian shops selling lottery tickets and illegal gambling syndicates have rejected "hot" bets on numbers linked to the downing of a Malaysia Airlines airliner.
Japan Times
Jul 20, 2014
Ukraine, rebels argue over access to downed airliner site; Europeans give Putin 'last chance'
Ukraine on Saturday accused Russia and pro-Moscow rebels of destroying evidence to cover up their guilt in the shooting down of a Malaysian airliner that has accelerated a showdown between the Kremlin and Western powers.
Japan Times
Jul 19, 2014
Plane disaster 'wake-up' call for Europe: Obama
U.S. President Barack Obama said the downing of a Malaysian jetliner in a Ukrainian region controlled by Russian-backed separatists should be a "wake-up call for Europe and the world" in a crisis that appears to be at a turning point and warned Russia of possible tightening of sanctions.
WORLD / Politics
Jul 19, 2014
U.N. aviation body says 'not our job' to warn about conflict zones
The U.N. civil aviation body said Friday it was not responsible for issuing warnings about potential dangers such as military conflicts, saying that duty fell to individual nations.
Jul 18, 2014
'All parties' need access to Malaysian plane crash site in Ukraine: Suga
Officials in Tokyo on Friday rushed to gather information about a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet that was reportedly downed by a missile over eastern Ukraine on Thursday, demanding that all relevant parties be allowed to inspect the crash site to determine the cause of the tragedy.
Japan Times
Jul 18, 2014
Putin backed into corner over jet crash
President Vladimir Putin's intransigence over Ukraine risks turning him into a global pariah should the blame for downing a Malaysian Airlines jet with 298 passengers and crew members aboard fall on pro-Russia rebels in eastern Ukraine.
Japan Times
Jun 27, 2014
MH370 jet passengers likely suffocated, Australia says
The passengers and crew of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 most likely died from suffocation and coasted lifelessly into the ocean on autopilot, Australian officials said Thursday.
Japan Times
ASIA PACIFIC / Science & Health
Jun 12, 2014
'Skinny' Southeast Asia starts to battle growing bulge
Many Southeast Asian countries are rolling out measures so people can make healthy choices before obesity turns into the full-blown epidemic seen in many Western countries.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?