Tag - labor



Japan Times
Jun 5, 2014
Top retailers reach crossroads in labor shortage shakeout
Don Quijote and Uniqlo, two of the nation's best-known mass-market retailers, aren't waiting for the government's new growth policies due later this month before implementing their own labor reforms.
Jun 1, 2014
Too high a price for Sherpas
The 16 Sherpa lives lost in an avalanche on Everest six weeks ago highlight the growing divide between well-heeled climbing expedition members and the mountaineering guides. Sherpas must re-articulate their concerns and establish a sensible code of operation.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
May 28, 2014
Foreign labor key to Olympic gold
At a construction site in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture, worker Fan Xiuyu says he's too busy to miss the wife and 6-year-old child he left behind in China.
May 26, 2014
New digital technology wave replacing labor
People scrambling to keep up with digital technologies need to know that the world we are entering is one in which the most powerful global flows will be ideas and digital capital — not goods, services and traditional capital.
May 8, 2014
The changing face of society
It is important that Japan reform its employment systems and social security programs so that it can better cope with the shrinking labor supply and the needs of the 65-and-over crowd, now more than one-quarter of the population.
Japan Times
May 7, 2014
Japanese firms have much to lose in battles over bogus outsourcing
The biggest reason companies sign outsourcing contracts with regular workers is to avoid all the obligations employers have to regular employees according to labor law.
May 7, 2014
Easing work-hour regulations
Key government panels for the Abe administration are looking into easing work-hour regulations so that some workers could be rewarded on the basis of performance rather than hours spent in the office.
May 4, 2014
A cut-out-and-keep guide to getting legal advice in Japan
With the new school and fiscal year bringing plenty of new arrivals to Japan, here are some basic tips on how to use various legal services in Japan.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Apr 30, 2014
Contractors feeling impact of 'Abenomics'
The construction industry is raising wages and selling bonds as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's stimulus policies cause labor shortages and a need for funds.
Apr 28, 2014
Tradable gains in Spain rain hope for recovery
Though domestic investment is constrained by credit availability, major European and Latin American multinationals have begun investing in the Spanish economy, attracted by its enhanced competitive posture, structural flexibility and recovery in domestic demand.
Apr 15, 2014
Flawed foreign labor plan
The Abe administration's sudden plan to use participants in a controversial foreign trainee program to fill manpower shortages in the nation's construction industry smacks of a ploy that benefits only Japan. The government must first consider how these workers' rights will be protected as well as how to avoid social problems if they are used.
Japan Times
Apr 14, 2014
Suit over dismissal to tackle thorny issue of language teachers' employment status
At the heart of the Sulejman Brkic case is the issue of what, in legal terms, the nature of his employment status was while he worked for language school ICC: Was he an employee or a contractor?
Japan Times
Apr 9, 2014
Foreign workers fear exploitation as Olympic projects gather steam
My first Labor Pains column of the new fiscal year will look at the government's recent proposal for bringing in foreign workers.
Apr 4, 2014
Abe's immigrant dream is a wage nightmare
Prime Miniser Shinzo Abe wants to import 200,000 foreign workers a year into Japan to counter the decline in the population. But the gambit might work at cross-purposes with his push to get companies to increase wages.
Japan Times
Mar 26, 2014
Holding on to resignation letters may be common but it's neither right nor valid
NHK President Katsuto Momii's move to force board members to submit undated resignations for him to hold over them while he submits no such letter to them is tantamount to a declaration of dictatorship at the public broadcaster.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Mar 22, 2014
Toyota to lift lockout at Indian factories
Toyota Motor Corp. will resume production in India after an impasse with union workers over wages led to a temporary lockout and halt in assembly work.
Mar 15, 2014
Economy can do without structural reform
While critics of "Abenomics" begrudgingly agree Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's policy package has been a success so far, they are equally quick to highlight its looming headwinds.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?