Tag - kanto



Feb 5, 2024
Heavy snow falls in Tokyo and wider region, impacting transport networks
While the snowfall may peak overnight, those commuting on Tuesday morning are likely to encounter icy roads and impacts on trains or roadways.
A story on the front page of The Japan Times on Jan. 4, 1924, focuses on a Tokyo attempting to recover from the Great Kanto Earthquake.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Jan 1, 2024
The Japan Times 1924: Tokyo greets 1924 in hope of better things
After a year in which the capital and its surroundings experienced a catastrophic earthquake, an article highlights the resolve of the people.
The front page of The Japan Times on Christmas Eve in 1948 carries news of high-profile executions.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Dec 1, 2023
1948: Tojo and six others hanged
December reports focus on some major events from Japan's past: the 1923 earthquake, World War II and the 1970s oil shock.
The front page of The Japan Times from Nov. 13, 1948, heralds the verdicts given to Japan's war criminals.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Nov 3, 2023
Japan Times 1948: Tojo and 6 others are sentenced to hang
As sentences are handed down in 1948, two other eras deal with fallout from an earthquake and an oil shock.
American disability rights activist Helen Keller paid a visit to Japan 75 years ago this month.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Oct 2, 2023
Japan Times 1948: Helen Keller recounts impression of Japan tour
Kanto residents continued to come to terms with the violence following the previous month's earthquake, and Helen Keller pays a visit to Japan.
Sep 8, 2023
Tropical Storm Yun-yeung brings heavy rain to Kanto region
The storm prompted evacuation orders in some areas amid record-breaking rain.
Sept. 7, 1998
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Sep 4, 2023
Japan Times 1923: Foreigners leave; destroyers are here
When a 7.9-magnitude earthquake hit Kanto on Sept. 1 a century ago, The Japan Times resorted to daily bulletins before returning to normal on the 17th.
A schoolgirl wears a padded hood for protection from falling debris during an earthquake simulation exercise at an elementary school in Tokyo. The government estimates a 70% chance of a magnitude 7 event striking directly underneath the capital in the next 30 years.
Sep 4, 2023
Tokyo has lived on the brink of the ‘Big One’ — for a century
The Great Kanto Earthquake demolished the nascent Japanese capital, killing more than 100,000 people — some 3% of the city’s population at the time.
A child stands in front of the Hibiya Music Hall, which collapsed during the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake.
PODCAST / deep dive
Aug 31, 2023
The earthquake that turned Tokyo to ash
This week we commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the Great Kanto Earthquake.
Items from the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake are on display at the memorial museum in Yokoamicho Park in Tokyo. Here, a warped clock is frozen minutes after the quake struck at 11:58 a.m. on Sept. 1, 1923.
JAPAN / History / Longform
Aug 31, 2023
The Great Kanto Earthquake: A wall of fire, a picture of hell
On Sept. 1, 1923, a massive earthquake struck off the coast of Kanagawa Prefecture. It came to be defined by fire and vigilantism.
In its quake damage estimates updated last year, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government expects that 4.53 million people will be unable to return home in the aftermath of a massive quake hitting the capital.
Aug 31, 2023
Over-concentration in Tokyo raising risks from possible quake
The government estimate that up to 23,000 people would be killed if a massive quake hits the capital.
Aug 31, 2023
Century since Kanto quake, expert warns of 'blind faith' in disaster resilience
For many, grasping the potential devastation of a future major quake remains as elusive as it was 100 years ago.
A married couple (Arata Iura, left, and Rena Tanaka) returning to their home village from a posting in occupied Korea become witnesses to a bloodbath in Tatsuya Mori’s historical drama, “September 1923.”
Aug 31, 2023
‘September 1923’ stylizes an oft-overlooked brutality
Tatsuya Mori’s drama is an important act of historical reclamation, but it’s practically indigestible.
JAPAN / History
Aug 21, 2023
Colorized photos of 1923 Tokyo quake to be displayed
The photos of the 1923 disaster will be displayed as part of an exhibition set to start at the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo on Sept. 1.
Aug 2, 2023
Tokyo Skytree showcases disaster management capabilities
The facility presented the features to the media ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Great Kanto Earthquake that struck in September 1923.
Jul 22, 2023
Eastern Japan exits rainy season as high temperatures continue
Compared with an average year, the rainy season ended three days later in the Kanto-Koshin region, the agency said.
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Jul 1, 2023
Five climbs around Tokyo to get your Mount Fuji fix
Crowds dimming your hopes of a Mount Fuji climb this summer? These five peaks around Tokyo may be better options — with or without throngs of tourists.


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan