Tag - jr-central



Japan Times
Aug 15, 2022
The end of the EU’s free lunch
The Keynesian demand policy to stimulate economic activity will merely fuel inflation, for which the ECB will rightly be blamed if it keeps buying government bonds.
Japan Times
Jul 26, 2022
Smuggling migrants at the U.S. border now a billion-dollar business
Title 42, introduced under the Trump administration, has authorized immediate expulsion of migrants caught crossing the border illegally, which has led to a substantial escalation in incursions.
Japan Times
Jul 3, 2022
On the U.S. border, migrants' desperation outweighs fear
The reinforcement of security in the last few months has not stemmed the arrival of migrants without visas.
Japan Times
Aug 15, 2021
As Taliban advances, China lays groundwork to accept an awkward reality
China, which has called religious extremism a destabilizing force in its western Xinjiang region, must also hews to its policy of noninterference in the internal affairs of other countries.
Japan Times
Jul 29, 2021
Friends or foes? U.S. and Russia eye base deal on Afghanistan
The Kremlin may now hold the key to a continued U.S. presence in Afghanistan with an offer to allow American troops the use of Russian military bases in Central Asia.
BASEBALL / Japanese Baseball / The week in NPB
May 24, 2021
Pacific League clubs likely looking forward to return of interleague play
If Pacific League fans and teams look happier and more upbeat than usual, it's probably because it's that time of year again.
Japan Times
May 4, 2021
Central Asia’s Afghan route to prosperity
A high-ranking Taliban delegation visited Turkmenistan on Feb. 6, promising to support the project, an indication the U.S., which backs the pipeline, may have facilitated the trip.
Japan Times
Mar 17, 2021
The future of money is digital, but is it Bitcoin?
The Bank of Japan has no immediate plans, but it acknowledges the possibility 'of a surge in public demand” for official digital cash going forward.
Japan Times
Feb 13, 2021
History tells us to worry about inflation
One cannot assume that the near future will be like the recent past. The post-pandemic world will offer a first test of whether low inflation is here to stay.
BASEBALL / Japanese Baseball / Sac Bunts
Dec 1, 2020
Pacific League far ahead of Central League in NPB arms race
Factors such as pitching have created a gulf on the field, while the PL has also innovated more with online broadcasting and brand marketing.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Nov 24, 2020
China and Japan race to dominate the future of high-speed rail
Japan and China are racing to build a new type of ultrafast, levitating train, seeking to demonstrate their mastery over a technology with big export potential.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties