Tag - journalism



Japan Times
JAPAN / Media
Sep 17, 2014
No use fighting the tide of online journalism, experts say
Major news organizations in Japan have been somewhat insulated from the seismic shift taking place in online journalism around the world. Helped by their still strong, if waning, presence in print, Japan's five national newspaper companies, each boasting millions of copies in daily circulation, have...
Japan Times
Sep 17, 2014
Asahi Shimbun struggles with credibility amid retractions
Self-inflicted wounds to the 135-year-old liberal media flagship may create a tailwind for conservatives who want to recast Japan's wartime past in a less apologetic tone.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media
Sep 17, 2014
Der Spiegel magazine finds print and digital mix that works
With newspaper readership on the decline worldwide as the industry faces the print-to-digital transition, a German approach may serve as a reference for Japanese media seeking new tactics to attract customers.
Japan Times
Jul 19, 2014
The murky call on a hardball interview with Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga
The tabloid press plays fast and loose with the truth, so anyone who gobbled up last week's NHK story in the weekly Friday should have added a dash of salt. An unnamed employee told Friday that the prime minister's office demanded the public broadcaster apologize for questions asked in its interview...
Japan Times
Apr 26, 2014
Lucy Birmingham: 'Don't give up on your dream no matter how many people tell you it's wrong'
'The world can learn a lot from the Japanese about how to get up and start over again despite unimagineable tragedy.'
Japan Times
Mar 3, 2014
Independent NHK chained to Diet leash
NHK, which is often compared with the BBC in the U.K., has been a focus of public attention and intense criticism in recent weeks. Many people are taking a closer look at the public broadcaster, including its history and whether it has been politically influenced by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's right-leaning...
JAPAN / Politics
Nov 11, 2013
FCCJ slams 'vague' state secrets bill as direct threat to journalists
The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan plans to lodge an official protest with the ruling LDP on Monday over a bill to protect state secrets.
Oct 20, 2013
'People are basically good,' says philanthropist
Born: Pierre Omidyar was born in 1967 in Paris to Iranian immigrants. He moved to Washington at the age of 6 and graduated from Tufts University with a bachelor's degree in computer science in 1988.
Japan Times
Oct 20, 2013
The face of journalism's savior?
By the time Pierre Omidyar was 31, he was, in his own words, not just regular rich but "ridiculous rich." With enough money to make an impact in pretty much any sphere he chooses, the eBay billionaire last week made a splash in an area that is increasingly attracting the attention of tech titans: news....
Aug 13, 2013
The scoop on print media tragedies
The effect of the digital revolution is uneven. While China seems to launch newspapers almost weekly, in the U.S. they seem to be folding or changing ownership.
Aug 13, 2013
Can Bezos provide what good journalism needs?
A veteran journalist never imagined that American newspaper reporters and editors would become the economically threatened steelworkers of the 21st century.
Jul 14, 2013
Media outlets rethink news embargo ethics
It's said that the news never stops. But often, its timing is stage-managed.
Japan Times
May 21, 2013
Records offer rare glimpse into Justice leak probe
When the Justice Department began investigating possible leaks of classified information about North Korea in 2009, investigators did more than obtain telephone records of a working journalist suspected of receiving the secret material.
May 21, 2013
Seizure unconstitutional: AP chief
Washington AP
WORLD / Politics
May 17, 2013
Tensions between Obama administration, news media reach boiling point
It was an article of faith among conservatives before Sen. Barack Obama became president, and has persisted through his re-election: America's first black president and the supposedly liberal mainstream media enjoy a veritable love fest.
Japan Times
Feb 14, 2013
Driven to shoot on the frontlines
The camera never lies — or does it? The double-barreled exhibition now on at the Yokohama Museum of Art suggests that it doesn't always tell the truth either.
Japan Times
JAPAN / History
Jan 27, 2013
You read about them here first
Ever since 1897 The Japan Times has reported daily in English on people, places and goings-on in and beyond this country. During those 116 years, our articles have often included information that never made it into the Japanese-language press — as in 1934, when the Society Page carried an interview...
Oct 2, 2011
Satoshi Kamata: Rebel spirit writ large
Monday, Sept. 19, was Respect for the Aged Day in Japan. But on that sweltering national holiday, it wasn't the heat that that drew tens of thousands of people to Meiji Park in central Tokyo, but their concerns for all the nation's citizens, and others, who may face a threat from nuclear power.
Japan Times
Sep 24, 2010
The 'plucky pioneer' of photojournalism
At 96, Tsuneko Sasamoto, Japan's first female photojournalist, remains a remarkable force of energy, creativity and inspiration. Dubbed a "plucky pioneer" and "the Annie Liebovitz of her day," Sasamoto has photographed some of Japan's greatest personalities and historical moments during her 70-year career....


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan