Tag - job-hunting



Japan Times
Jun 1, 2020
Japan's new graduate recruiting fully starts amid coronavirus scare
Major firms in Japan on Monday fully started interviews, written tests and other activities to hire students graduating in spring 2021, with companies and students both struggling to adjust to unprecedented online recruiting methods introduced to cope with the new coronavirus pandemic.
Japan Times
Jun 1, 2020
In Japan, gearing up for a new type of job market
Worried about your job? One option is to head to a recruiter for help. The people at RGF Professional Recruitment Japan tell you what you're in for if you do.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Regional voices: Chubu
Feb 21, 2020
Amid labor crunch, Japan firms seek to win over students' moms and dads
Earlier this month, Copro-Engineered Co., a Nagoya-based firm specializing in the staffing of construction engineers, hosted a party at a Nagoya hotel for students who are expected to join the firm after graduating from university in spring — and their parents.
Japan Times
Feb 19, 2020
COVID-19 takes toll on students' job-hunting in Japan
While job-seekers are enjoying a seller's market due to severe labor shortages, many firms are busy coming up with measures to deal with the virus situation, including switching to online briefings.
Japan Times
Jun 28, 2018
AI-equipped recruiter tries to mobilize Japan's static labor market
Hiroki Shimada can trace the genesis of his company, Scouty Inc., back to a time when he was on the outside of the job market looking in.
Japan Times
Mar 8, 2018
Majority of job-seeking university students put off by AI-powered candidate screening
As more companies turn to artificial intelligence to discover new talent, a recent survey has shown that a majority of job-seeking university students don't want their abilities judged by the technology.
Japan Times
Aug 28, 2017
Over 80% of forthcoming university grads in Japan have a job offer
Over 80 percent of job-hunting university students had secured at least one informal job offer for next spring as of Aug. 1, according to a private survey.
Japan Times
Apr 6, 2017
Knocking, 'recruit suits' and bowing: Etiquette key for Japan's job-seekers
Ever thought about how many times to knock on the door when you are heading into a job interview? In Japan, it matters.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?