Tag - jgb



BUSINESS / Markets
Mar 22, 2016
Hedge fund's computer says sell Japan debt after 19% gain
For Kyo Yamamoto, leaving investment choices to a computer rather than making his own calls has been the best strategy as unorthodox global monetary policies only worsen market volatility. Right now, the machine says sell Japan government bonds.
Dec 8, 2015
BOJ dooms credit analysts as foreign banks let Tokyo posts lapse
Foreign brokerages are leaving credit analyst positions in Tokyo unfilled as record central bank bond-buying stimulus makes it hard for them to make profits.
Japan Times
Oct 2, 2015
Kuroda's retreat from bonds stymied by expectations for more BOJ stimulus
With the economy weakening markedly, banks are flocking to longer-dated government debt on expectations the Bank of Japan will expand its stimulus program. That's creating fresh challenges for BOJ Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda, who's trying to get banks to buy fewer bonds and lend more.
BUSINESS / Markets
Sep 30, 2015
GPIF's smaller clones seen as savior to BOJ as it runs out of bonds to buy
The Bank of Japan's search for fresh bonds to fuel its unprecedented asset-purchase program is set to get easier as public retirement funds with $276 billion turn into sellers of government debt.
BUSINESS / Markets
Sep 4, 2015
BOJ readies for liquidity squeeze with T-bill yields below zero
The Bank of Japan is becoming increasingly concerned its massive government bond purchases are drying up market liquidity, six months after investors warned that conditions were deteriorating.
BUSINESS / Markets
Aug 25, 2015
Rout seen as encouraging Japan banks' flight to U.S. treasuries
Japanese banks were already returning to U.S. Treasuries before a plunge in global markets made Federal Reserve rate increases an even more distant prospect.
BUSINESS / Economy
Aug 4, 2015
Limited bond supply may lead BOJ to taper in 2017: IMF paper
The Bank of Japan may need to reduce the pace of its bond purchases in a few years due to a shortage of sellers, said economists at the International Monetary Fund.
BUSINESS / Economy
May 20, 2015
BOJ bond-buying faces challenge as Japan Post slows debt sales
The day when the Bank of Japan can't find enough bonds to buy is drawing closer.
BUSINESS / Markets
May 8, 2015
Japan joining global bond rout as BOJ shifts on inflation target
The Bank of Japan's equivocation on its inflation target is adding to the shifting global monetary policy picture that has sparked a sovereign debt rout.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Apr 22, 2015
Ex-currency chief fears BOJ exit nightmare on debt pile
Government debt twice the size of the economy will make exiting stimulus a nightmare for Bank of Japan Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda, according to the nation's former top currency official.
BUSINESS / Markets
Mar 16, 2015
Beware the $300 billion shift into Treasuries coming from Japan
Back in the 1980s, the billions of dollars that the Japanese plowed into U.S. government debt reflected the Asian nation's burgeoning economic might.
BUSINESS / Markets
Mar 9, 2015
Japanese investors binging on foreign debt as JGB yields dwindle
Japanese investors were net buyers of major sovereign debt from overseas in January, except for U.K. debt, underscoring their appetite for higher returns as the Bank of Japan's unprecedented easing suppresses bond yields.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Mar 2, 2015
Kuroda approaching limit on JGB buying, says ex-BOJ official
Speeding up the Bank of Japan's purchases of Japanese government bonds would risk further distorting the world's second-biggest sovereign debt market, said Yuri Okina, vice chairman at Japan Research Institute.
BUSINESS / Markets
Dec 4, 2014
S&P doubts Abe will have detailed fiscal consolidation plan
Standard & Poor's has cast doubt on Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's ability to repair Japan's tattered finances less than two weeks away from a snap election, after Moody's downgraded the country's sovereign debt rating.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Nov 4, 2014
Kuroda's 'big bazooka' drives down yields as GPIF to sell
The Bank of Japan's expanded monetary easing came just in time to spur a bond rally even as the ¥126 trillion Government Pension Investment Fund starts to cut debt holdings.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Dec 25, 2013
Sumitomo Mitsui may resume JGB buys once inflation picks up
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc., the biggest seller of Japanese government bonds among the nation's three biggest banks, may start buying again once inflation picks up, President Koichi Miyata said.
BUSINESS / Economy
Aug 9, 2013
A first: Nation's debt tops ¥1 quadrillion
The national debt exceeded ¥1 quadrillion for the first time, underscoring the case for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to proceed with a sales tax increase to shore up government finances.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Aug 2, 2013
Tax delay and Fed paring called threat to JGB bubble
Takeshi Fujimaki, a former adviser to billionaire investor George Soros who won a seat in the Upper House election last month, said a delay in increasing the sales tax and a reduction in the U.S. Federal Reserve's stimulus could cause the Japanese government bond "bubble" to burst.
Japan Times
May 27, 2013
Bond vigilantes wake investors from voodoo 'Abenomics' trance
The bond vigilantes are getting antsy about Shinzo Abe's shock-therapy program, dubbed "Abenomics."


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties