Tag - japan-coast-guard



A training session for a new reporting system that the Japan Coast Guard began operating on Saturday
Jan 18, 2025
Japan Coast Guard launches emergency video reporting system
The coast guard hopes the new system will improve life-saving measures in the event of emergencies at sea.
The Japan Transport Safety Board, which last month released an interim report on a deadly collision between a Japan Airlines passenger plane and a Japan Coast Guard aircraft at Haneda Airport a year ago, plans to a final report outlining measures to prevent a recurrence.
Jan 3, 2025
Safety board to further analyze JAL jet collision at Haneda
The Japan Transport Safety Board will compile a final report that includes measures to prevent any recurrence of similar accidents.
The wreckage of a Japan Airlines plane after a collision with a Japan Coast Guard aircraft, at Haneda Airport in Tokyo on Jan. 5, three days after the crash.
Dec 25, 2024
Human error caused JAL jet collision at Haneda Airport: safety board
The pilot and co-pilot of the Japan Coast Guard plane mistakenly believed they got cleared to enter the runway just before the Jan. 2 incident.
Japan Coast Guard officers and others observed a moment of silence at a memorial ceremony on Monday in Tokyo's Ota Ward.
Dec 23, 2024
Victims mourned as first anniversary of Haneda collision nears
Five of the Japan Coast Guard aircraft's six crew members died after the plane collided with a Japan Airlines plane on Jan. 2.
The addition of an area in Pacific waters east of Chichijima in the Ogasawara Islands saw Japan's continental shelf expanded by 120,000 square kilometers in July.
Oct 27, 2024
Japan expands its continental shelf by 120,000 square kilometers
The expansion has sparked optimism for potential resource development.
The South Korean Coast Guard vessel Taepyongyang, the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Waesche and the Japan Coast Guard vessel Wakasa patrol in formation during a trilateral exercise in the Sea of Japan in June.
Oct 23, 2024
With ramped-up activities, U.S. Coast Guard plots greater Indo-Pacific role
The move comes at a time when a growing number of coast guards in the region are becoming deeply involved in patrolling disputed waters.
The vehicle taking Seiichi Katsurada to the Kushiro District Public Prosecutor's Office in Kushiro, Hokkaido, on Sept. 19
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Oct 9, 2024
Hokkaido boat operator's president charged over fatal 2022 sinking
A total of 20 passengers and crew were confirmed dead and six are listed as missing following a tour boat sinking in April of 2022.
The icebreaker CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier at the Port of Yokohama on Wednesday. The vessel arrived on Monday after conducting a series of patrols to detect and deter illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in the northern Pacific, a region critical to implementing Canada’s overarching Indo-Pacific Strategy.
Oct 2, 2024
Canada marks expansion of coast guard cooperation with Japan port call
The move will set the stage for greater cooperation with partners in the region as Ottawa ramps up efforts to tackle illegal fishing in the Pacific, experts say.
Shiretoko Yuransen President Seiichi Katsurada (center) in Shari, Hokkaido, in May 2022
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Sep 18, 2024
Hokkaido boat operator head arrested over 2022 fatal sinking
Of the 26 people onboard the boat, 20 died while six remain missing.
An illustration of the Japan Coast Guard's planned patrol ship, which will be its biggest ever
Aug 27, 2024
Japan Coast Guard to build its biggest patrol ship
The coast guard's new ship will be around 200 meters long and will weigh about 30,000 tons.
Even when ships are docked, members of the Japan Coast Guard work on shifts on board. As such, the JCG is considering rehiring retired servicemen to allow crews to take sufficient holidays on land.
Aug 22, 2024
Japan Coast Guard promoting work style reform
The move comes as the agency grapples with a declining number of applicants as well as its rising turnover rate.
A Mexican man rescued near Uotsuri Island in the Senkaku chain in Okinawa Prefecture is believed to have drifted to the area in a canoe from the island of Yonaguni, also in Okinawa.
Aug 18, 2024
Japan rescues Mexican man from Senkakus
A Mexican national had gone missing from an accommodation facility on Yonaguni, and it appears this was the rescued person, officials said.
The Tsuruga Coast Guard Office in Fukui Prefecture issued warnings about possible attacks by wild dolphins as early as 2022.
JAPAN / Society
Aug 6, 2024
Fukui coast guard warns swimmers of danger posed by wild dolphins
In one case, a 10-year-old who had gone for a swim at a beach in the city of Tsuruga was bitten by a dolphin, suffering a serious injury to their hand.
The Japan Coast Guard and Taiwan's Coast Guard Administration carried out a joint maritime exercise south of the Boso Peninsula in Chiba Prefecture on Thursday.
Jul 20, 2024
Japanese and Taiwanese coast guards hold joint drill off Chiba
China said Friday that it firmly opposes Japan undertaking joint maritime training with Taiwan, adding that it had lodged a complaint with Japan.
A woman is rescued by a helicopter on Wednesday off the coast of Chiba Prefecture after drifting at sea for 36 hours.
Jul 11, 2024
Woman rescued off Chiba 36 hours after going missing in Shizuoka
The woman, who is a Chinese national in her 20s, was dehydrated but conscious and did not require hospitalization.
A new post has been proposed for coordinating takeoffs and landings at major airports' traffic controls.
Jun 24, 2024
Japanese ministry proposes new air traffic coordinator post
The new post was drawn up in response to a collision between a Japan Airlines passenger jet and a Japan Coast Guard aircraft at Haneda Airport on Jan. 2.
According to the JCG's 11th regional headquarters in Naha, two Chinese ships entered Japanese waters south of Uotsuri Island in the Senkaku chain around 3:15 p.m. They were both reported to be equipped with what appeared to be cannons.
Jun 23, 2024
China ships enter Japan waters near Senkakus for fourth straight day
As the ships tried to approach a Japanese fishing boat, Japan Coast Guard patrol vessels secured the safety of the boat and warned the Chinese ships to leave.
A China Coast Guard vessel sails in the East China Sea near the disputed isles known as Senkaku isles in Japan and Diaoyu islands in China in December 2015.
Jun 22, 2024
Chinese ships enter Japanese waters near Senkakus for two days in row
It was the 21st intrusion by Chinese official ships into the Japanese waters near the Senkakus this year.
China Coast Guard vessels fire water cannons toward a Philippine resupply vessel as it made its way to the Second Thomas Shoal in the South China Sea in March.
Jun 15, 2024
China Coast Guard's new 60-day detention rules take effect
The regulations allowing the arrest of foreign nationals suspected of trespassing in waters "under China's jurisdiction" have stoked fears of escalation.
Japan Coast Guard patrol ships try to block the way of a China Coast Guard ship (center) near Uotsurijima in the Senkaku Islands chain on April 27.
May 27, 2024
Japan spots Chinese ships near Senkaku Islands for record 158 days
The territorial dispute over the Tokyo-controlled islets, known as the Diaoyu by China, is a long-running sore point between Japan and China.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties