Tag - japan-atomic-power



Japan Atomic Power Co.'s Tsuruga nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture in 2017
Nov 13, 2024
Tsuruga reactor formally ruled noncompliant with safety standards
The Nuclear Regulation Authority ruled the Tsuruga No. 2 reactor did not meet the safety standards after a screening process taking nearly nine years.
Akira Ishiwatari (right), a Nuclear Regulation Authority commissioner, inspects a trench dug on the grounds of the Tsuruga nuclear power plant's No. 2 reactor in Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture, in June.
JAPAN / Society
Aug 28, 2024
Tsuruga nuclear reactor found noncompliant with safety standards
The Nuclear Regulation Authority will decide whether to formally adopt the report after collecting public comments on it for about a month.
Members of the Nuclear Regulation Authority discusses regulatory screening of the Tsuruga nuclear power plant's No. 2 reactor, in Tokyo's Minato Ward on Wednesday.
Aug 1, 2024
Japanese nuclear regulators to hear from operator over reactor
The standards do not allow important nuclear facilities such as reactor buildings to be built on active faults.
Feb 15, 2020
Japan Atomic accused of altering data about fault under Tsuruga reactor
The Nuclear Regulation Authority on Friday accused Japan Atomic Power Co. of modifying the original geological data used to determine whether a fault under the Tsuruga power plant's controversial No. 2 reactor is active or not.
Jan 23, 2018
Ibaraki nuclear plant used erroneous fuel rod data for over 40 years, utility says
For more than 40 years, Japan Atomic Power Co. used erroneous data regarding the location of nuclear fuel rods within the reactor at its Tokai No. 2 power plant in Ibaraki Prefecture, the company has said.
Feb 19, 2013
NRA secretariat must halt collusion
In the past, collusive relations existed between Japan's nuclear regulation organizations and the power industry. The latest incident involving the NRA secretariat shows that such collusive relations have not been eradicated.
Japan Times
Jan 23, 2013
Robot facility aims to aid nation in nuclear crisis
Japan Atomic Power Co. on Wednesday opened a facility in Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture, that will station remote-controlled robots and dispatch them in the event of a crisis at the nation's nuclear power plants.


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