Tag - jamstec



The deep-sea drilling vessel Chikyu is docked at the Port of Shimizu on Sept. 5 ahead of a 106-day expedition by researchers from the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Oct 2, 2024
Japan's deep-sea vessel digs for answers to 2011 earthquake
In a hundred-day expedition, scientists aboard the Chikyu aim to piece together the earthquake's story and assess the potential for another temblor to be triggered.
A sunset in the Arctic Ocean observed from the Japanese oceanographic research ship Mirai on Sept. 24
Oct 1, 2024
Japanese ship Mirai ends this year's Arctic mission
The vessel left the city of Mutsu, Aomori Prefecture, in late August for the mission.
Oceanographic research vessel Mirai is docked at the port of Sekinehama in Mutsu, Aomori Prefecture, on Monday before it embarked on an Arctic voyage later in the day.
Aug 26, 2024
Japan's Mirai research vessel embarks on Arctic journey
Mirai is tasked with ocean research and weather observations in the Arctic Ocean, in hopes of finding the cause and impact of rapid global warming in the area.
The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology's deep-sea scientific research vessel Chikyu
Aug 23, 2024
Kagoshima caldera took 9,000 years to form magma for ancient eruption
A research team analyzed sediments from the eruption extracted from a seabed near the huge Kikai Caldera.
Lamposts and other signs throughout Hirogawa, Wakayama Prefecture, display warnings, evacuation routes and measurements of height above sea level. The town has been hit by eight tsunami in its recorded history.
Jul 21, 2024
Why Japanese researchers are looking to submarine cables for faster tsunami warnings
While Japan boasts one of the world's most sophisticated earthquake and tsunami detection systems, gaps still remain.
Takashi Tonegawa, a senior researcher at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Jun 7, 2024
Japanese agency observes tsunami with submarine optical cable
The cable extends some 100 kilometers southward from an area near Cape Muroto in Kochi Prefecture.
An artist rendering of Japan's first Arctic research vessel, "Mirai II"
Feb 22, 2024
Japan's first arctic research vessel to be named "Mirai II"
The name was selected from over 7,000 suggestions from the public.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health
Nov 10, 2020
Could listening to the deep sea help save it?
Scientists have been capturing the sounds of the ocean off Japan in a bid to understand the mysteries of the world below the surface.
Japan Times
May 28, 2019
Japanese scientist puts forward theory to solve 50-year moon rock mystery (it's not cheese)
The moon was formed when it was washed out of the right eye of the god of the land while he was bathing. Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, the moon god of Japanese folklore, then lived forever in the heavens after climbing a giant celestial ladder from his father's bathroom.
Reference / Q&A
May 10, 2013
How signs of a 'lost continent' came into JAMSTEC's underwater view
The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology and the Brazilian government announced Tuesday the discovery of a large mass of granite on the seafloor near Rio de Janero — a landmark finding that suggests a continent may have once existed there.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties