Tag - islands



Jun 8, 2016
Beijing says offer of talks over South China Sea fell on deaf ears in Manila
China on Wednesday accused the Philippines of ignoring its offer to set up a bilateral talks mechanism on maritime affairs, shortly before an international tribunal is expected to rule on Chinese claims in the South China Sea.
Japan Times
Jun 7, 2016
Japan, U.S., India to hold major naval drill off Okinawa starting Friday
Japan, India and the United States are set to hold a major trilateral naval drill starting Friday in the waters off the east coast of Okinawa Prefecture, the Maritime Self-Defense Forces said in a press release Tuesday.
Japan Times
Jun 7, 2016
Beijing to put two more lighthouses on South China Sea man-made islands into operation by year's end
Beijing has announced plans to put two more lighthouses in the disputed South China Sea into operation by the end of the year, state media has reported.
Japan Times
Jun 7, 2016
China tells U.S. to play constructive South China Sea role
China told the United States on Tuesday that it should play a constructive role in safeguarding peace in the disputed South China Sea, as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called for talks and a peaceful resolution.
Japan Times
Jun 7, 2016
Disputed shoal may become military line in sand on South China Sea
Global defense chiefs meeting in a plush hotel in Singapore over the weekend were faced with one of Asia's biggest looming security challenges, but left without any tangible sense of how to tackle it.
Japan Times
Jun 6, 2016
Taiwan says it will ignore any Chinese air defense zone over South China Sea
Taiwan's new defense minister said Monday the island nation would not recognize any air defense zone declared by China over the South China Sea, as its top security agency warned such a move could usher in a wave of regional tension.
Japan Times
Jun 5, 2016
Diplomatic tag teams emerge as countries find new ways to stand up to China
When U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter spoke at a key Asian security summit over the weekend, he used the word "principled" 38 times, floating his vision of a U.S.-backed "security network" of countries in the region.
Japan Times
Jun 5, 2016
Is China winning the contest for South China Sea control?
China views the U.S. as a declining power that would not be able to sustain a major war in Asia.
Japan Times
Jun 5, 2016
Only Fukuryu Maru got health-damaging dose from 1954 H-bomb tests, ministry claims
No other Japanese ship was exposed to health-damaging radiation from the 1954 U.S. hydrogen bomb tests in the Pacific Ocean aside from the Fukuryu Maru No. 5, which was contaminated by fallout from one of the tests at Bikini Atoll, according to a recently released health ministry study.
Jun 3, 2016
China confirms its warships to join major U.S.-hosted naval drills
China's navy will send five ships to join a major U.S.-hosted naval drill this summer, even as tension mounts between the world's two largest economies over the South China Sea.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health
Jun 2, 2016
Researchers find high-grade gold ore in waters south of Tokyo
The ore contained as much as 275 grams of gold per ton, a figure that is higher than usual for such deposits on land or sea in Japan.
Jun 1, 2016
Lavrov says Russia won't be ceding any disputed isles to Japan, isn't 'begging for a peace treaty'
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Tuesday he does not see his country ceding control to Japan of a group of islands at the center of a decades-old bilateral territorial dispute.
Japan Times
May 31, 2016
Simmering South China Sea dispute expected to boil after court ruling: experts
The simmering dispute in the contested South China Sea is about to turn to a boil.
Japan Times
May 30, 2016
Duterte may invite China to bid for railway projects
The incoming leader of the Philippines has said he will welcome bids by China to build two new railway lines, Philippine media reported Monday.
May 27, 2016
China's South China Sea quest
What does Beijing want in the South China Sea? The answer is control.
May 27, 2016
Citizens of nuclear-bombed Marshall Islands yearn for Obama visit
As U.S. President Barack Obama visits the atomic-bombed city of Hiroshima on Friday, residents of the Marshall Islands — the Pacific nation used by the U.S. as a nuclear test site after World War II — have also begun calling for a similar visit by the leader.
Japan Times
May 27, 2016
China seeks to turn disputed South China Sea isles into Maldives-style resorts
China has announced that it will seek to turn some of the disputed islands in the South China Sea into a Maldives-type tourist destination, the state-run China Daily newspaper quoted a top official on Friday as saying.
Japan Times
May 26, 2016
Fearing U.S.-Vietnam alliance, Beijing tries to mend fences with Hanoi
China has played down this week's U.S. decision to lift a decades-old ban on sales of lethal arms to Vietnam as it looks to avoid aggravating relations already strained by territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
Japan Times
May 25, 2016
Chinese harassment of Philippine fishermen in disputed South China Sea eases
Filipino fishermen in the South China Sea have been plying their trade without being harassed by the Chinese coast guard for a month, officials said, in what could be an early sign of easing tensions under incoming President Rodrigo Duterte, who will be sworn in on June 30.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
May 23, 2016
Japan, Taiwan to set up dialogue mechanism for maritime affairs
Taiwan and Japan will establish a dialogue mechanism for cooperation on maritime affairs, according to the island's Executive Yuan, or Cabinet.


Tokashiki Beach acts as a sanctuary for sea turtles and offers ideal snorkeling waters. It was also the site of the U.S. Army’s preliminary invasion that led to the 1945 Battle of Okinawa, which resulted in the deaths of nearly 150,000 people.
On Okinawa's Tokashiki Island, life's a beach — one of the best in the world