Tag - islamic-state



Japan Times
Feb 2, 2015
Tokyo: Does anyone else share responsibility for the death of Kenji Goto?
After the killing of a second Japanese hostage, Kenji Goto, by the Islamic State group, Mark Buckton asked people whether others share some culpability in his death. Some interviewees declined to have their pictures and surnames published.
Feb 2, 2015
Japan must remain undeterred
We repeat our condemnation of the acts of the Islamic State extremist group, which claims to have killed both of the two Japanese they took hostage, Kenji Goto and Haruna Yukawa. Its attempt to justify their killings by accusing Japan of taking part in the war against it does not make sense, and its...
Feb 2, 2015
Wife devastated by Goto's slaying but proud of his work
The wife of Kenji Goto, who was apparently killed by the Islamic State group, said she is "devastated" by her husband's death but is proud of his work as a journalist.
Japan Times
Feb 1, 2015
Veteran mourned by freelancer support group
The murder of Kenji Goto highlights the dangers facing freelance journalists around the globe who bravely report from the world's most dangerous conflict zones — but without the institutional backup enjoyed by full-time reporters at mainstream media organizations.
Japan Times
Feb 1, 2015
Islamic State hostage Kenji Goto mourned by family and friends
A video posted online early Sunday morning that shows what appears to be the beheaded corpse of Islamic State group hostage Kenji Goto has left his family and friends speechless and in anguish.
Japan Times
Feb 1, 2015
Goto beheaded by Islamic State militants
Despite an unusual lull that had raised hopes hostage Kenji Goto might be freed, many in Japan were shocked Sunday to learn the Islamic State group had apparently executed him.
Japan Times
Feb 1, 2015
Crisis awakens Japanese to shortcomings, realities
The hostage crisis that ended so tragically has taught Japan about the reality of life in a strife-filled part of the world.
Feb 1, 2015
Japan's Muslims dismiss Islamic State as un-Islamic
Muslim residents express their condolences over the execution of Kenji Goto and say they are angry about the Islamic State group's actions.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jan 31, 2015
Hostage talks deadlocked
Jordan and Japan tensely wait as Amman's request for proof of life is answered only by a mysterious silence from the Islamic State hostage-takers.
Japan Times
Jan 31, 2015
Diplomatic blundering on hostages and history
Japan's latest hostage crisis has exposed shortcomings in Japan's public diplomacy and raises questions about the advice Prime Minister Shinzo Abe received in publicly announcing $200 million in humanitarian aid to help those displaced by conflict with the Islamic State group.
Japan Times
Jan 31, 2015
Islamic State militants attack Kurdish outposts across Iraq
Islamic State militants struck at Kurdish forces southwest of the Iraqi city of Kirkuk on Friday, while bombs in Kirkuk, Baghdad, Samarra and Ramadi killed at least 27 people.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jan 30, 2015
Fate of hostages unclear as swap founders
Japan and Jordan await word on Kenji Goto and pilot Mu'ath al-Kaseasbeh as the Islamic State group fails to provide proof of life for the hostage swap.
Jan 30, 2015
Islamic State's Egypt wing claims responsibility for attacks that killed 27
The Islamic State group's Egypt wing claimed responsibility for a series of attacks that killed at least 27 people on Thursday in some of the worst anti-state violence in months, after commemorations around the anniversary of the 2011 uprising turned deadly this week.
Jan 29, 2015
Goto’s wife breaks silence as Jordan demands proof that pilot is alive
Speaking for the first time since the outbreak of the hostage crisis last week, the wife of Kenji Goto, the Japanese journalist now being held by the Islamic State group, released an audio statement Thursday begging the Jordanian and Japanese governments to save her husband.
Japan Times
Jan 29, 2015
Goto gets sunset deadline extension
A new audio message purportedly from hostage Kenji Goto on Thursday morning declared that Jordan must present female prisoner Sajida al-Rishawi at the Turkish border by sunset on Thursday, or Jordanian air force pilot Mu’ath al-Kaseasbeh would be executed immediately.
Japan Times
Jan 29, 2015
Japanese at higher risk of kidnap, analyst says
As the latest Islamic State deadline ticked closer on Thursday, one analyst said the Abe administration's response to the hostage crisis may leave other Japanese at risk of being kidnapped as political extremists and profiteers now see them as easy prey.
Japan Times
Jan 29, 2015
With allies like these, who needs a caliphate?
Given the lack of commitment to the total destruction of Islamic State on the part of Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran, expect the terrorist group to survive for some years, despite the horrors it inflicts on the innocent people under its control.
Japan Times
Jan 28, 2015
Jordan reportedly offers to swap would-be bomber for captured pilot; no mention of Goto
Jordanian state-run television reported Wednesday that Amman was ready to release an Iraqi failed suicide bomber on death row if the Islamic State group freed a captured Jordanian pilot, citing a government minister in the Middle East country.
Jan 28, 2015
As deadline looms, Goto friends, family call for his release
Associates of Islamic State hostage Kenji Goto called for his release Wednesday, as another apparent deadline in the crisis loomed.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks