Tag - ishin



Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / View from Osaka
Aug 15, 2020
Under cloud of pandemic, Osaka referendum remains a key issue for Gov. Hirofumi Yoshimura
More in Osaka are asking whether the vote should be postponed until after the coronavirus crisis has passed.
Japan Times
Jul 25, 2020
Osaka governor spearheads national effort to enforce business shutdowns over coronavirus
As COVID-19 numbers surge amid murky data disclosure, Hirofumi Yoshimura is gaining support for legal power to inspect and punish entertainment firms.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Jun 20, 2020
Osaka's second merger push faces pitfalls from pandemic, Abe's poll woes
Osaka voters will once again face a referendum on merging the city's 24 wards following a decision on a plan that would create four large, semiautonomous wards.
Japan Times
May 13, 2020
Osaka Gov. Hirofumi Yoshimura: From man of the hour to future prime minister?
Over the past few weeks, the governor has gone from being a locally liked politician to a national media darling.
Japan Times
Feb 17, 2020
Osaka referendum: Merger gets second chance, but are voters on board?
Five years after voters in the city of Osaka narrowly voted down a referendum on consolidating its 24 wards into five with more autonomy and eliminating the municipal assembly and mayor, another referendum is set for later this year.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Jan 9, 2020
Nippon Ishin expels lawmaker who took cash from Chinese firm
Mikio Shimoji submitted a letter of resignation but Nippon Ishin refused to accept it and opted to oust him instead.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Dec 27, 2019
Osaka panel greenlights metropolis plan, setting stage for second referendum
A joint panel set up by Osaka's prefectural and municipal governments has approved a so-called Osaka metropolis plan to reorganize the city into four special wards governed directly by the prefecture in 2025.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Dec 17, 2019
Akihiro Hatsushika of Japan's CDP opposition party suspected of sexual assault
The Metropolitan Police Department sent papers on the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan's Akihiro Hatsushika to public prosecutors last week over allegations he sexually assaulted a woman in a taxi in May 2015, according to police sources.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Oct 3, 2019
Abe clears decks for debate on amending Japan's Constitution
When the extraordinary Diet session convenes on Friday, 15 government-sponsored bills are expected to be submitted — one of the lowest totals since Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's second stint started — reflecting his administration's determination to focus its energy on revising the Constitution.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Sep 1, 2019
Scandal-hit Japanese lawmaker says 'war the only way' to take back Takeshima
A lawmaker who drew fire earlier this year for remarks suggesting the need for Japan to wage war with Russia to retake islands held by Moscow has made a similar claim that nothing short of conflict would allow for Japan to retake the disputed Takeshima islets in the Sea of Japan.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 4, 2019
Campaign kicks off for Japan Upper House poll, a litmus test for constitutional reform and tax hike
The focus will be on whether the LDP and other forces in favor of constitutional amendment will be able to retain their current two-thirds supermajority.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 6, 2019
Sakai voters poised to decide key mayoral race for Osaka Ishin and LDP ahead of Upper House poll
Voters in Sakai, Osaka Prefecture, will head to the polls Sunday to elect a new mayor in a key local race ahead of next month's Upper House election, with an Osaka Ishin no Kai (One Osaka) candidate reportedly the frontrunner in a closely contested campaign.
Japan Times
JAPAN / View from Osaka
May 18, 2019
Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito flip-flop on Osaka merger
Just over a month after local elections in which Osaka Ishin no Kai (One Osaka) surprised even itself with resounding victories, the established parties' local chapters appear to be on the ropes.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?