Tag - iot



Masayoshi Son, chairman and chief executive officer of SoftBank Group, speaks during the SoftBank World event in Tokyo on Thursday.
BUSINESS / Companies
Oct 3, 2024
SoftBank’s Son envisions AI running households in the next few years
Masayoshi Son's rosy view of AI's potential often comes with a warning to skeptics that they may be left behind if they do not embrace the technology.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Sept. 10. The governor has signed a law that aims to prevent instances of stalking and harassment using sophisticated car features such as location tracking and remote control.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Oct 1, 2024
California enacts car data privacy law to curb domestic violence
The move aims to prevent stalking and harassment using features such as location tracking and remote control as automakers add more sophisticated tech to their cars.
A worker at Nakamatsu Meat speaks to an Alexa-powered device at its factory in Uruma, Okinawa Prefecture, in November. At the factory, workers give production updates to Alexa, which then converts this into data that is compiled in the company's computer.
BUSINESS / Companies / Regional Voices: Okinawa
Mar 11, 2024
Okinawa meat shop uses tech to improve efficiency and raise wages
Nakamatsu Meat's digitalization enabled it to cut its factory operating time and optimize raw material purchases.
Oct 20, 2020
Pandemic forces CEATEC tech show to go completely virtual
Organizers and exhibitors have had to find innovative ways to effectively demonstrate their physical products when “visitors” won't get the chance to touch or see them.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
May 3, 2020
SoftBank’s super-fast 5G network isn’t very useful just yet
SoftBank Corp.’s fifth-generation wireless service in Japan is living up to the hype in at least one respect — internet speeds that are blazingly fast even by the standards of one of the most connected countries in the world.
Japan Times
Feb 27, 2020
As world's wildfires worsen, firefighters go high-tech to stay healthy
As flames and smoke from burning bushes billowed toward them, Catalan firefighters calmly controlled the progress of a planned fire on a forested hillside — an exercise aimed at reducing the danger of blazes breaking out later in the summer heat.
Japan Times
Dec 19, 2019
Apple, Google and Amazon seek standard for smart devices
Apple Inc., Alphabet Inc.'s Google and Amazon.com Inc. — three of the biggest providers of smart-home and voice-assistant technology — are joining forces to make internet-connected homes easier to set up and safer to use.
Japan Times
Sep 26, 2019
Amazon developing longer-range wireless network for 'internet of things' devices
Amazon.com Inc. said on Wednesday it is developing a longer-range equivalent to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless protocols that the largest U.S. online retailer hopes third parties will eventually use in smart devices.
Japan Times
Jun 5, 2019
Security in 'Society 5.0'
As Japan moves toward Society 5.0, there is a need for a much more transparent accounting of the possible downsides surrounding this transition, and further consideration of how some of the risks can be minimized.
Japan Times
May 15, 2019
Japan plans to create 10 billion 14-digit phone numbers as 5G era nears
The communications ministry plans to create for assignment some 10 billion 14-digit phone numbers starting with the code "020."
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital
Dec 16, 2018
Tech keeps it smart for 2019
A lot of new gadgets aren't essential to life, but they can help make daily living a little more fun, easier and convenient.
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital / ON: TECH
Nov 18, 2018
Crowdfunding crowd pleasers
In the past, crowdfunding sites were primarily platforms for startups and individuals short of development funds. Now larger companies are seeing the benefits of allowing consumers to participate in the research and development of new products. Here are a couple of crowdfunded ideas that caught the eye.
Japan Times
Jul 5, 2018
New Tokyo research center aims to boost Japan's 'Fourth Industrial Revolution'
Technology today is advancing — often so fast that society fails to take full advantage of some great innovations due to outdated regulations, says the head of a new research center in Tokyo.


Tokyo Koon stands at the forefront of tackling the so-called 2025 issue, also known as the “Magnetic Tape Alert.”
The race to save 20th-century history