Tag - interest-rates



Oct 12, 2016
Secular stagnation or self-inflicted malaise?
The only way out of the malaise plaguing numerous economies is a hefty dose of creative destruction.
Oct 3, 2016
Central banks' failed policies
Instead of being our saviors, central bankers have destroyed wealth, created instability and set conditions for the next big economic crisis.
Sep 20, 2016
All eyes on the Federal Reserve
Central bankers have done their part to spur economic growth, it is up to politicians to do theirs.
Japan Times
Sep 7, 2016
Japan shows why the Fed should hike rates
Tokyo's lesson is that keeping rates at zero for too long may do more to deaden confidence than instill it.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Sep 3, 2016
Slower U.S. payroll growth dims September Fed rate hike prospects
U.S. employment growth slowed more than expected in August after two straight months of robust gains, and wages were tepid, which could effectively rule out an interest rate increase from the Federal Reserve this month.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Aug 28, 2016
Kuroda says Bank of Japan prepared for fiscal easing if necessary
Central banker poised to pull trigger when needed; comments seen as bid to talk down yen
Japan Times
Aug 27, 2016
Yellen rejects radical overhaul of Fed's policy tools
For all the talk of a radical shift in central banking policy, from the permanent use of negative rates to printing "helicopter money," Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen appears to believe she can tackle any downturn using the tools currently at her disposal.
BUSINESS / Markets
Aug 19, 2016
As Japanese bond investors hunt yields, hurricanes may be worth the risk
Japan's bond investors are so desperate for yield that more and more of them are putting money in notes from insurers whose value can be wiped out by unexpectedly strong hurricanes or earthquakes.
Aug 17, 2016
Time to reassess economic policy
The BOJ and government policymakers need to make a candid assessment on whether they have set the right economic policy priorities.
Aug 14, 2016
Negative rates killing growth
Central bankers should admit defeat, scrap the silly negative interest rate policy and treat the real problem.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Aug 2, 2016
Clouds lifting for Japan's banks as negative rates stay put
The Bank of Japan's decision not to drag interest rates further below zero provides relief for the nation's banks after shrinking lending profits crimped first-quarter earnings.
Jun 25, 2016
With all else failing, give rate hikes a try
In most walks of life, if what you're doing isn't working, you should try something else. In central banking, however, the strategy has been to do more of what isn't working.
BUSINESS / Companies
Jun 8, 2016
Japan's biggest bank may cease underwriting JGB auctions as negative rates bite
The main lending unit of MUFG says it may quit as one of the 22 primary dealers that underwrite government bond auctions.
Japan Times
Jun 8, 2016
DP urges BOJ to abandon negative interest rates
The Bank of Japan should ditch its negative interest rate policy because it is spreading unease among savers and small companies, the main opposition party said a month ahead of an Upper House election.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
May 30, 2016
Mizuho CEO says higher fee income will offset negative rates
Mizuho Financial Group Inc. is counting on fee businesses to make up for lower returns from lending and bond investments in the wake of the Bank of Japan's decision to adopt a negative interest-rate policy.
BUSINESS / Companies
Apr 22, 2016
Japan Post to fight negative rates with shift to risk assets
Japan Post Holdings Co. will shift more of its $2.6 trillion investment portfolio to riskier assets to boost profitability as negative interest rates shrink income from government bonds.
Japan Times
Apr 21, 2016
Yellen's done 'serviceable job' but Trump hints he would replace her, wants weaker Fed, backpedals on debt
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump would be inclined to replace Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen if he wins the White House despite supporting the U.S. central bank's efforts to keep interest rates low, he told Fortune magazine.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?