Tag - interest-rates



Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Jul 8, 2019
Trump again tries to talk down Fed rate as he grooms possible successors to Jerome Powell
President Donald Trump wrapped up the weekend as he started it, jawboning the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates at a time when he may be sizing up his two latest picks for Fed governor as successors to Chairman Jerome Powell.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jul 5, 2019
BOJ deputy governor says central bank ready to increase stimulus, and all options are on table
Bank of Japan Deputy Gov. Masayoshi Amamiya on Friday said the central bank is ready to ramp up stimulus and will consider all policy options, including deepening negative interest rates, if the loss of economic momentum hurts its efforts to boost inflation.
Japan Times
Jun 26, 2019
Trump thinks dollar is too strong and blames Fed policy, official says
President Donald Trump believes the dollar is too strong, and the euro is too weak, and feels the situation could be eased if the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates, a senior administration official said on Tuesday.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jun 24, 2019
Trump threatening to demote Fed chief, but says he has power to do so
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press" news program that he has the power to demote Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell but has not threatened to do so.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Jun 20, 2019
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell says he plans to serve full term amid Trump pressure
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has said he intends to serve his full four-year term as head of the Federal Reserve, after the White House explored ways of removing him from the job amid criticism from President Donald Trump.
Japan Times
Jun 11, 2019
Under pressure in the Trump era, U.S. Federal Reserve faces an outlook clouded by trade wars and signs of weakness
U.S. President Donald Trump's attacks on the Federal Reserve have broken one set of precedents, his talk of stacking the central bank with political allies has strained another, and his on-again, off-again tariff threats have made the economic outlook harder than ever to predict.
Japan Times
Jun 5, 2019
World's central banks poised to act as global economic warnings flash
Central banks are resuming their first-responder role as the world economy runs into trouble, even as they lack the firepower they once had at their disposal.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Apr 25, 2019
BOJ vows to keep rates super-low for at least a year, and trims Japan growth and inflation forecasts
In the quarterly outlook, the BOJ stuck to its view that the economy will continue to expand moderately as a trend.
Japan Times
Apr 8, 2019
Trump picks Herman Cain and Stephen Moore for Fed seats said to be on track
Top White House officials on Sunday defended President Donald Trump's plan to name two political loyalists to the Federal Reserve board of governors, brushing aside controversies over their personal lives and qualifications to help run the world's most powerful central bank.
Japan Times
Apr 1, 2019
What if zero interest rates are the new normal?
Excessive monetary finance is hugely harmful, and it is dangerous to view it as a costless way to solve long-term challenges.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Apr 1, 2019
Bank of Japan should avoid pushing rates further below zero, head of lenders' association says
The new head of the nation's main banking lobby is warning the Bank of Japan against deepening negative interest rates, signaling that such a move could spur risky investment and put further pressure on lenders' profits.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Mar 14, 2019
Bank of Japan's never-ending monetary stimulus offers lessons for the world's central banks
Central bankers searching for options to fight the next downturn should look to Japan, where policymakers are gathering for a regular review of the world’s most epic monetary stimulus program.
Japan Times
Mar 8, 2019
Has monetary easing run its course?
Many warn that the stimulus potential is depleted, particularly in Japan, with its negative short-term interest rate.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Mar 4, 2019
In apparent renewed criticism of his Fed chief pick, Trump says dollar is too strong
U.S. President Donald Trump said the dollar is too strong and took a swipe at Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell as someone who "likes raising interest rates."
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Feb 8, 2019
Dovish Bank of England has economists scaling back on hike views
The Bank of England's pessimistic view of the U.K. has left economists scrambling to rewrite their expectations for future action.
Japan Times
Feb 6, 2019
Dissecting the Bank of Japan's zero-rate policy 20 years on
Long before the U.S. and Europe embraced radical monetary policies last decade during the global financial crisis there was the Bank of Japan.
Feb 4, 2019
How we all turned Japanese: A tale of global hubris
The BOJ's radical monetary policy is marking its 20-year anniversary. Raise a glass to the experiment replicated around the world.
Feb 1, 2019
The U.S. Federal Reserve makes a U-turn
Conditions have changed, and the Fed has indicated that it is prepared to respond to them.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?