Tag - instagram



Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design
Feb 24, 2019
Japanese fashion taps the potential of digital media platforms
Fashion has had to adapt to social media — its early exposure of new collections, its influencers starting and accelerating trends and its new forms of retailing. But it has caught up, and in exciting ways.
Japan Times
Jan 21, 2019
Social media users flip #10yearchallenge to spotlight changes caused by war and climate change
The #10YearChallenge — posting a new photo of yourself next to an old one — is being repurposed by social media users to highlight more serious issues than aging faces, from climate change to the devastation of war.
Japan Times
Jan 13, 2019
Sort out your digital diet and keep your sanity in 2019
Judging by the New Year's resolutions I'm hearing so far this year, the internet was a real source of frustration for a lot of people in 2018.
Japan Times
Nov 23, 2018
Divided by war, young Israelis and Gazans tell their stories via Instagram
In another part of the world they might have gone to the same schools or be sharing WiFi in the same coffee shops.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Sep 25, 2018
Instagram founders depart Facebook after clashes with Zuckerberg
The founders of Instagram are leaving Facebook Inc. after growing tensions with CEO Mark Zuckerberg over the direction of the product, sources said.
Japan Times
Aug 28, 2018
Facebook bans Myanmar army chief, others in unprecedented move over spread of 'hate and misinformation'
Facebook said Monday it was removing several Myanmar military officials from the social media website and an Instagram account to prevent the spread of "hate and misinformation" after reviewing the content.
Japan Times
Aug 5, 2018
Tourists trading in their Japan guidebooks for Instagram
Tourism is booming in Japan, but a growing number of visitors are ditching their guidebooks for an app best known for celebrity snapshots and images of food: Instagram.
Japan Times
Aug 1, 2018
Facebook removes pages and accounts after finding 'sophisticated' efforts to sow division and disrupt 2018 U.S. elections
Facebook Inc. said Tuesday it had identified a new coordinated political influence campaign to mislead its users and sow dissent among voters ahead of U.S. congressional elections set for November.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Deep Dive
Jul 26, 2018
Social-media influencers exert formidable impact on sushi scene
Social-media influencers are quickly becoming one of the largest forces in Japan's sushi industry, driving customer traffic at some of the country's most renowned restaurants with the tap of a screen.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Mar 18, 2018
A fuzzy tale of Japan's famous cats in hats
When Ryo Yamazaki picked up a chunk of one of his cat's shed fur and fashioned it on top of his Scottish fold's head in a Trump-esque quiff, he did it for a laugh.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Entertainment news
Feb 27, 2018
SMAP star's Instagram foray reflects weakening grip of Japan TV ads
Shingo Katori commanded the adoration of millions of fans across Asia as a member of SMAP, one of Japan's most successful boy bands. After decades as a ubiquitous TV presence, he finally decided in November it was time to get an Instagram account.
Japan Times
Feb 10, 2018
'Insta-gran' Kimiko Nishimoto discovers that it's never too late to experiment with inventive photography
There's a lot more to the 89-year-old Instagrammer than her wacky selfies.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Dec 23, 2017
A picture of food is worth 1,000 words for businesses on Instagram
With end-of-year parties now in full swing, social media users are curating their profiles with "Insuta-bae" photographs that capture them enjoying enviable times.
Japan Times
Dec 20, 2017
London cafe boasts 'Selfieccino' self portraits in froth
A cafe in London is taking barista art to a new level by giving customers the chance to sip on their own self-portraits.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media
Dec 17, 2017
Abe flooded with messages after opening official Instagram account
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has opened an official Instagram account, joining many people in the nation, including young women, who use the increasingly popular photo-sharing service.
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital / ON: TECH
Oct 15, 2017
Keeping an eye on new gadgets
Haro, the cute robot mascot of the anime series 'Mobile Suit Gundam,' is about to get real.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?