Tag - immigration



Japan Times
Dec 30, 2013
Once Tories' answer to EU fears, enlargement is now their problem
With the U.K. Independence Party breathing down the Tories' necks, EU enlargement is no longer the British government's answer in Europe, but its No. 1 problem.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 29, 2013
British fears of migrant influx mirrored in Sofia
There are no anti-immigrant militia forces roaming the streets of Britain, but Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev sees clear parallels with the U.K. — indeed, in states across Europe — and he is deeply worried.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Dec 29, 2013
Britons ready to welcome arrivals from Bulgaria, Romania, with caveats
Romanians and Bulgarians coming to the U.K. on New Year's Day will be welcomed by more than two-thirds of Britons if they integrate and work hard, a new poll suggests ahead of restrictions on them being lifted.
Japan Times
Dec 15, 2013
To stay here long term, visa seekers need to prove they can pay their way
From finding a residence status that suits your circumstances to signing up a sponsor, getting a visa to stay in Japan for the long term can be a challenge.
Dec 9, 2013
46 Thais deported aboard one plane
Japan deported 46 illegal Thai immigrants Sunday in the second round of a new mass deportation program that makes use of a government-chartered plane, the Immigration Bureau said Monday.
Japan Times
Dec 3, 2013
Opening the kitchen to foreign chefs
As a foreigner aspiring to become a "washoku" (Japanese food) chef, South Korean student Seo Dong-young faces a dilemma. The 23-year-old student at a Tokyo culinary school wants to stay here and work after graduation, but unfortunately that isn't an option.
Japan Times
Dec 2, 2013
Between dreams and discrimination, Japanese build new lives in the City by the Bay
How are modern-day Japanese immigrants experiencing life in America — and in particular, San Francisco? What are their dreams, their struggles and rewards? And how do they handle the need to belong, the ceaseless negotiation between assimilation and roots?
Nov 24, 2013
The immigration question
Despite Japan's low birthrate and rapidly graying population, only one in seven Japanese support the idea of increased immigration.
Japan Times
Nov 20, 2013
Tokyo: Could — and should — mass immigration save shrinking Japan?
A path to a prosperous, innovative society or the multicultural road to ruin for Japan? Vote here to have your voice heard.
Japan Times
Nov 13, 2013
The irritating gaijin: testing police patience from Belfast to Oimachi
In Oimachi, there was clear 3G connectivity. For anyone questioned by the RUC in Northern Ireland in the 1980s, broadband penetration probably meant something quite different.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society / FOCUS
Nov 12, 2013
Russian nationalism stokes ethnic strife
When Russians celebrated the Day of National Unity last week, marchers waving imperial flags and shouting racist slogans paraded through cities across the country while ethnic minority citizens and migrants from the former Soviet Union stayed out of sight, better to avoid a beating.
Nov 11, 2013
The refugees deserving of tolerance
The belief that 'charity begins at home' is used by many to justify their opposition to immigration and is reinforced by allegations that immigrants to Europe take jobs from locals.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Nov 2, 2013
System 'failing asylum seekers'
The death of a Myanmar asylum seeker in Tokyo underlines the inadequate medical treatment immigration detainees face nationwide from chronic staff shortages.
Sep 10, 2013
The changing international mood on migration
Despite persistent and even rising anti-immigrant sentiment in much of the world, promising signs of a more enlightened approach to migration are emerging.
Japan Times
Sep 9, 2013
Tokyo: Have you ever had any trouble with immigration in Japan?
Tokyo residents share their stories about their dealings with Japan's Immigration Bureau on entry, exit and at visa-renewal time
Japan Times
Sep 4, 2013
'Skilled foreigner' invite too rigid a bar
More than a year after its much-hyped introduction, a government-led initiative to lure "highly skilled" foreign professionals to Japan is making lackluster progress, with the number of those applying for visas under the new system much smaller than initially envisioned.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Aug 27, 2013
Girl-recruiting teacher in hot water
Police have handed prosecutors their case against a 59-year-old Iwate University professor who arranged for four foreign students to work as part-time nightclub hostesses.
Aug 25, 2013
The GOP's take on U.S. immigration reform
Ultimately the fate of U.S. immigration reform rests with the Republican leadership. But the electoral consequences of killing reform won't be felt until after 2014.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?