Tag - i-house



Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 3, 2013
Opposition directly attacks 'Abenomics'
Opposition parties took aim Wednesday at Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's economic policies, only to give the Liberal Democratic Party chief another chance to play up his administration's "achievements" over the last six months.
Jul 2, 2013
Alternative ideas need a voice
Merely opposing Shinzo Abe's policies and goals before the Upper House polls is not enough. The opposition needs to clarify an alternative vision for Japan.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 29, 2013
Opposition slams ruling bloc on jobs deregulation
Major party leaders held their first online debate Friday ahead of the July 21 Upper House election, with opposition chiefs voicing concern that ruling bloc-proposed employment deregulation may further worsen the working conditions of younger generations.
Japan Times
Jun 29, 2013
New Komeito chief vows to counter Abe if he tries to change Article 9
Jun 29, 2013
Upcoming election's critical issue
Before the July 21 election, don't expect the LDP to talk much about the need to revise Article 96 of the Constitution, but it's in the party's campaign platform.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 27, 2013
Abe hopeful ruling bloc juggernaut cleans up in Upper House poll in July
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe vowed Wednesday to ensure the Liberal Democratic Party-New Komeito ruling bloc recaptures control of the Upper House in the July election, bringing an end to the divided Diet.
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 26, 2013
DPJ hopes platform derails 'Abenomics'
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 20, 2013
LDP July poll platform a rehash, stays vague on Constitution
The Liberal Democratic Party unveils an Upper House poll campaign platform that regurgitates previous economic plans and omits its agenda for constitutional revision.
Jun 20, 2013
Persuading people to vote
When apathy rules, what more can political parties and local election officials do to encourage a greater Japanese voter turnout for July's Upper House election
Jun 17, 2013
What political parties have to offer
Voters shouldn't let the Upper House election campaign lull them into thinking that the Liberal Democratic Party no longer cares about constitutional revision.
Jun 9, 2013
White House has Susan Rice where it wants her
Susan Rice's appointment to be the next U.S. national security adviser is payback for her loyalty to Barack Obama and a thumb in the eyes of her Senate critics.
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 8, 2013
Hollande gives reconciliation lesson
French President Francois Hollande said Friday in a speech to the Diet that he is concerned by the rising diplomatic tension in Asia and urged Japan to reconcile history issues with neighboring countries just as France and Germany did after World War II.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks