Tag - i-house



Japan Times
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Oct 26, 2022
A second ruling finds July Upper House poll was constitutional
A total of 16 lawsuits over vote-value gaps in the July election have been filed with 14 high courts and high court branches across the country.
Japan Times
Oct 21, 2022
Unification Church sought 'policy accords' with LDP members
The document appeared to be that on a de facto policy accord, showing conditions for receiving support from the Unification Church side in the Lower House poll.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Oct 14, 2022
Osaka High Court declares July Upper House poll unconstitutional
The court rejected the plaintiffs' demand that the result of the election, in which the maximum vote-value gap stood at 3.03 times, be nullified.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Oct 3, 2022
Kishida administration to mark one year in office amid mounting challenges
The prime minister's approval ratings have plummeted over issues related to the controversial state funeral and LDP lawmakers' ties to the Unification Church.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / Regional Voices: Okinawa
Aug 8, 2022
Political newcomer Sanseito making waves in Okinawa elections
Sanseito, which has strong conservative policies, was formed in 2020 under the slogan, “There is no party we want to vote for, so we are creating one ourselves from scratch.”
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 3, 2022
Claiming risk of false arrest, Japan lawmaker skips start of parliament session
Gaasyy, who is said to be staying in the UAE, was absent from the start of the three-day session despite the Upper House rejecting his application for permission to travel overseas.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 30, 2022
Japan’s youth shun politics, leaving power with the elderly
With just 34% of 18- and 19-year-olds heading to the ballot box, youth turnout for the Upper House election relative to the overall figure hit a new low.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Jul 26, 2022
Abe faction attracts most new LDP lawmakers elected in recent Upper House vote
As the size of factions may affect intraparty power struggles, the battle for recruiting new members is expected to intensify.
Japan Times
Jul 19, 2022
With Shinzo Abe pale and lifeless, a doctor at the scene prayed for a miracle
The moment he laid eyes on Shinzo Abe's ashen face, Shingo Nakaoka knew that any attempt to revive the former Japanese prime minister was likely to be in vain.
Japan Times
Jul 18, 2022
It’s up to Kishida to achieve Abe’s great unrealized dream
An Upper House election victory may bolster the premier's ability to make hard calls. He should start with Japan's military.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 16, 2022
Japanese Communist Party marks 100th anniversary
The opposition party faces a weakening of its organization and is struggling to form a united front with other opposition parties.
Japan Times
Jul 15, 2022
Opposition seeks answers after heavy Upper House election defeat
Japan's Upper House election should have been a far more contested vote than it was, but the opposition once again failed to make the right moves.
Japan Times
Jul 12, 2022
What Shinzo Abe meant to the younger generation
For Japanese of Generation Z, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was an embodiment of both stability and reform and really the only leader they ever knew.
Japan Times
Jul 12, 2022
Despite new political capital, questions linger over Kishida’s economic agenda
There is uncertainty about exactly what it is that Kishida wants to do with his new mandate, as so far he has only set out his agenda using broad brushstrokes.
Japan Times
Jul 12, 2022
Dissecting Kishida’s post-election road map
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has important choices to make on how he leverages his renewed mandate and extra political capital after the LDP's strong Upper House election showing.
Japan Times
Jul 11, 2022
Constitutional revision inches closer in Japan, but actual change still far off
Divisions over what aspects to revise and more pressing political issues for Prime Minister Fumio Kishida could delay change to the top law.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks