Tag - i-house



Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Jan 17, 2021
COVID-19 — and a dwindling support rate — top issues for Suga as Diet convenes
The prime minister will seek to pass key COVID-19 measures as he faces flak from opposition parties over his response to the deadly virus.
Japan Times
Jan 3, 2021
Uncertainty hijacked media coverage in 2020
Sorting through the media highlights of a year overshadowed by a global pandemic
Japan Times
Dec 24, 2020
Collapse, isolate, adjust and rebuild: How Japanese pop culture fared in the pandemic of 2020
Japan began 2020 with Olympic glory in its sights, with artists and musicians ready to take the spotlight. Then, the pandemic hit and pushed things in a much-needed direction.
Japan Times
Nov 30, 2020
Support for Suga slides as latest virus wave worsens
Public approval could play into when he'll call the next election, which must be held in less than a year.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks