Tag - i-house



Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Apr 3, 2019
Democrat-led House panel subpoenas ex-White House personnel chief in security clearance probe
A Democratic-led congressional committee voted on Tuesday to subpoena a former White House security clearance chief over whistle-blower allegations that the Trump administration inappropriately reversed career officials' decisions to deny security clearances to some of the president's advisers.
Japan Times
Mar 30, 2019
Kyoko Nakajima's 'The Little House': Secrets hiding secrets, and much left unsaid
Kyoko Nakajima's 'The Little House' is the story of how generations in Japan talk — or don't talk — to each other, and their inability to connect across eras.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Mar 22, 2019
Tsuyoshi Hoshino, the Heisei Era's last maestro of Japan's Diet formalities
When at home, Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker Tsuyoshi Hoshino wouldn't dare let the hours pass without a humidifier on. The whole time the device is humming, he is also wearing a neck gaiter. Whenever he goes out, he makes sure his bag contains a constant supply of cough drops.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Mar 21, 2019
Tomomi Inada's uphill battle to 'promote understanding' of LGBT issues in Japan
Tomomi Inada isn't trying to get Japan to legalize same-sex marriage or ban discrimination against gay citizens. The conservative lawmaker just wants to "promote understanding" of LGBT issues.
Japan Times
Mar 13, 2019
Haruomi Hosono reworks a modern classic with 'Hochono House'
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Mar 4, 2019
Tensions within Japan's LDP rise over backing of ex-DPJ heavyweight Goshi Hosono in Shizuoka poll
The two factions at the heart of the battle have a long history of conflict.
Japan Times
Feb 5, 2019
White House's Kevin Hassett says wage growth will exceed 4% this year
President Donald Trump's chief economist predicted wage growth in the U.S. will accelerate past 4 percent this year amid a strong labor market, more capital investment and rising productivity.
Japan Times
Jan 26, 2019
'Murder in the Crooked House': Behind the mask of a classic Japanese murder mystery
Japanese-English translator Louise Heal Kawai reveals the challenges of sourcing translation commissions and how one text — Soji Shimada's 'Murder in the Crooked House' — was more intellectually rewarding than she initially assumed.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jan 23, 2019
Trump seeks to move ahead with State of the Union speech despite Nancy Pelosi's shutdown misgivings
President Donald Trump on Tuesday attempted to move ahead with planning for a State of the Union speech to the U.S. Congress on Jan. 29 despite pressure from Democrats to delay it due to the government shutdown, as his immigration proposal suffered a blow from the U.S. Supreme Court.
Jan 14, 2019
White House asked for options to strike Iran after Baghdad compound shelling, WSJ reports
The White House's national security team last fall asked the Pentagon to provide it with options for striking Iran after a group of militants aligned with Tehran fired mortars into an area in Baghdad that is home to the U.S. Embassy, the Wall Street Journal reported Sunday.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jan 3, 2019
White House calls Democratic plan to end shutdown 'nonstarter' ahead of key talks with Congress leaders
President Donald Trump invited Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress to the White House for a border security briefing on Wednesday, the 12th day of a partial U.S. government shutdown triggered by his demand for $5 billion in border wall funding.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Dec 20, 2018
Trump White House faces new Democrat demands for answers that Republicans didn't pursue
The Democrat who'll become chairman of the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday set a Jan. 11 deadline for the White House and executive agencies to respond to previously ignored requests for documents and information, another signal of the heightened scrutiny that President Donald Trump's administration...


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks