Tag - i-house



Japan Times
Jul 16, 2021
Suga in danger of becoming another of Japan's revolving-door prime ministers
The 72-year-old has seen his support rate sink to just over 30% from around 70% when he took office last September.
Japan Times
Jul 7, 2021
Tokyo Olympics spectator issue moves into the political arena
With signs emerging of a new wave of infections in the capital, competing narratives are emerging about the safety of allowing fans at Olympic venues.
Japan Times
Jul 5, 2021
Underwhelming Tokyo result offers LDP a warning for general election
Many Tokyoites are voters without party affiliation, and their vote is often a reflection of broader public sentiment.
Japan Times
Jul 3, 2021
Why politicians make the switch from Upper to Lower House
One almost never hears about a Lower House member trying to move to the Upper House, but movement the opposite direction has plenty of precedent.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Jun 28, 2021
LDP's infighting tests Suga and party unity ahead of election season
The fight is manifesting itself in a number of recently formed Diet groups, with the two sides vying to install as many of their faction members as possible to LDP executive posts.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 27, 2021
Population shift in Japan forces redrawing of electoral map, worrying powerful LDP figures
The plan to add representatives in urban areas at the expense of rural districts could hurt LDP heavyweights from Shinzo Abe to Toshihiro Nikai.
Japan Times
Jun 26, 2021
A summer of competition for the LDP-Komeito coalition
Japan's big cities are not reflective of national level politics, so even if the LDP and Komeito suffer a poor outcome in a few weeks, it will not portend some sweeping movement.
Japan Times
Jun 20, 2021
Soccer player Kumi Yokoyama comes out as transgender: 'It would be harder to live closeted'
The former Nadeshiko Japan striker, who plays for the NWSL's Washington Spirit, has received a flood of support from athletes and LGBTQ advocates following their announcement on Saturday.
Japan Times
Jun 16, 2021
The party politics behind the annual no-confidence motion
All LDP Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai needed was something to justify his outspoken preference for a snap election, and the no-confidence motion was just that.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 15, 2021
No-confidence motion against Suga's Cabinet voted down at Japan's Diet
The motion was submitted after the ruling coalition rejected opposition calls for the current regular Diet session to be extended.
Japan Times
May 25, 2021
Suga stares down Japan's Olympic challenge
Whether or not to go ahead with the already-delayed Summer Games is a decision fraught with implications, and not only for public health.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks