Tag - hospitals



Feb 20, 2017
Let's discuss the flu season
The influenza season is in full force, with an estimated 2.01 million people across the nation seeking treatment during a single week recently.
Japan Times
Feb 19, 2017
Japan's health care system edges foreign care in expat survey
Just over half of non-Japanese residents feel Japan's health care system is generally better than that in their home countries, a trend particularly pronounced among U.S. citizens, with 3 out of 4 rating it more highly, an informal Japan Times survey has found.
Jan 12, 2017
Fukushima hospital finds temporary replacement after only doctor dies
A Fukushima hospital that suddenly found itself in crisis following the death last month of its only full-time doctor has found a temporary replacement for late director Hideo Takano.
ASIA PACIFIC / Science & Health
Jan 11, 2017
China to boost beds, staff to handle health care strains
China will add 89,000 new hospital beds and train 140,000 new obstetricians and nurses in order to deal with the strains on its health care system brought about in part by the relaxation of its "one-child policy," state media said on Wednesday.
Japan Times
Jan 10, 2017
Town near Fukushima No. 1 raising funds to bring in doctors for lone hospital's 100 patients
The town of Hirono, Fukushima Prefecture, whose only hospital is in crisis following the death last month of its sole full-time doctor, has launched a crowdfunding campaign to solicit donations from the public.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health
Jan 6, 2017
Death of doctor in Fukushima disaster zone hospital throws patients’ futures into question
The only hospital to brave Fukushima's radiation woes loses its only full-time doctor, throwing its patients' fates into doubt.
Dec 28, 2016
U.S. posts rules for addressing cyberbugs in medical devices
The U.S. government on Tuesday issued rules for addressing cybervulnerabilities in medical devices, providing manufacturers with guidelines for fixing security bugs in equipment, including pacemakers, insulin pumps and imaging systems.
Oct 29, 2016
Probing unexpected patient death
The system for investigating unexpected patient deaths needs major improvement.
Japan Times
Sep 29, 2016
No anesthetists, just six ICU beds left in east Aleppo, doctor says
Syria's besieged enclave of eastern Aleppo has no anesthetists and only six intensive care beds after two hospitals were disabled by airstrikes overnight, a doctor from the Syrian American Medical Society said on Wednesday.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Aug 19, 2016
Drones to be tested for use by ambulance crews
Drone tests will begin on Kyushu this fall to see whether unmanned aircraft can be used to deliver emergency medical assistance faster than normal means.
Aug 6, 2016
Ensure medical needs are met
The system for training doctors is worsening the disparity between medical care in urban and rural areas.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal / FOCUS
Aug 2, 2016
Sagamihara mass murder exposes flaws in mental health system
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has announced that the government will seek further measures on compulsory hospitalization, but experts warn that more focus should be placed on aftercare to prevent such an incident from happening again.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?