Tag - hong-kong-protests



Japan Times
Oct 11, 2017
Hong Kong leader says Asian financial hub faces 'grave' challenges
In her maiden policy speech, Hong Kong's Chief Executive Carrie Lam on Wednesday warned the city faced "grave" challenges and must develop a diversified and high value economy, unveiling a mix of housing and tax relief policies to raise competitiveness.
Japan Times
Jun 25, 2017
Two decades after handover, scant love for China among Hong Kong youth
Hong Kong student activist Chau Ho-oi, born in the year the Asian financial hub returned to Chinese rule 20 years ago, recalls the sense of pride she once felt toward mainland China.
Japan Times
Jun 16, 2015
Hong Kong on high alert as new democracy showdown looms
Hong Kong's leader warned Tuesday that violence will not be tolerated, a day after authorities arrested 10 people and seized suspected explosives ahead of a crucial vote on a China-backed electoral reform package this week.
BUSINESS / Economy
Dec 1, 2014
Hong Kong counts cost of protests on city's core shopping districts
Hong Kong is expected to report a drop in October retail sales on Monday, providing the first broad look at the impact of pro-democracy protests on core shopping areas after demonstrators blocked key roads and scared off mainland Chinese tourists.
Japan Times
Oct 3, 2014
Problem with President Xi
Chinese President Xi JInping has insisted he won't tolerate any concessions to the calls for electoral and governmental reform now being made in mass demonstrations in Hong Kong. The analogy with the Tiananmen tragedy is now widely made.
Japan Times
Sep 22, 2014
Thousands of Hong Kong students seek to 'grasp destiny' in demand for democracy
Thousands of students braved sweltering heat Monday to demand greater democracy in Hong Kong as they launched a weeklong boycott of classes, underscoring a restive younger generation's determination to challenge the Chinese Communist Party.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?