Tag - homeless



Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Apr 30, 2020
Cities could face 100 million 'new poor' in post-pandemic world
About 100 million people living in cities worldwide will likely fall into poverty due to the coronavirus pandemic, urban experts said on Wednesday, calling for mapping tools to identify vulnerable communities and investment focusing on slums.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Apr 23, 2020
In New York, homeless feel safer in subway stations than in shelters
The lights still scream for attention, but on this night Times Square has the feel of an abandoned Hollywood film set. Gone are the hordes of tourists shooting selfies with Elmo and Wonder Woman. Instead, a lone SUV glides by and a passenger's phone glows as she records the scene from the safety of the...
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Apr 5, 2020
Japan’s homeless at risk from coronavirus pandemic
Many of Tokyo's homeless also have underlying health problems, making them particularly vulnerable as cases of COVID-19 continue to climb in the capital.
Japan Times
Feb 14, 2020
Kawasaki, known for poverty and pollution, confronts gentrification
Surrounded by bustling downtown streets, shopping malls and high-rises, Kawasaki Station and its vicinity are, on the surface, a paragon of urban development.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Dec 17, 2019
U.S. Supreme Court leaves in place ruling barring prosecution of homeless
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear Boise's defense of its policy of sometimes prosecuting homeless people for sleeping in public after a lower court found ordinances in Idaho's capital violated the U.S. Constitution's bar on cruel and unusual punishment.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Entertainment news
Dec 11, 2019
Homeless Santa? Banksy reindeer mural goes viral amid rough sleeping crisis
A mural by anonymous British street artist Banksy depicting a homeless man being pulled by two reindeer has gone viral on social media, as the number of homeless deaths in the country hit a new high last year.
Japan Times
Nov 22, 2019
'Smart cities' urged to look beyond rich white men and target those in need
A growing push to put cities on a digital path to a greener future risks excluding groups like the poorest, disabled and elderly, and will fail to benefit those people unless technology is used to help meet their needs, rights advocates have warned.
Japan Times
Nov 16, 2019
Public divided over treatment of the homeless during Typhoon Hagibis
When Typhoon Hagibis struck Tokyo on Oct. 12, news emerged that three homeless people had been turned away from an emergency evacuation facility in Taito Ward. As the story spread, it varied in tone and content on social media. Some thought the persons refused entry were not actually homeless, while...
Japan Times
Jul 18, 2018
San Franciscans will vote on slapping extra tax on big firms to fund homeless aid
San Francisco voters in November will decide whether to levy an additional tax on large businesses to fund homeless services, part of an expanding effort among West Coast cities to tap cash-flush companies to offset growing income inequality.
Japan Times
Apr 9, 2018
In Kanagawa, homeless grow crops and confidence
Kiyoko Ojima awoke to the problems of the needy while in elementary school, when she came across a TV documentary about trying to find solutions to starvation in Africa.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Mar 26, 2018
Japan tries to tackle health problems of aging homeless
Public and private efforts are gathering pace to address the increase in the number of elderly homeless Japanese.
Feb 7, 2018
Making housing safer for low-income people
While tightening regulations on operators of housing facilities for poor senior citizens, the government also should consider what financial support it can provide to ensure the safety of residents.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Jan 29, 2018
Tokyo's internet cafe 'refugees' number 4,000, survey says
People without a stable residence are finding succor in the hundreds of net cafes across the capital that stay open 24 hours a day.
Japan Times
Oct 13, 2017
Disasters make 14 million people homeless each year, U.N. says
About 14 million people are being made homeless on average each year as a result of sudden disasters such as floods and storms, new figures show.
Japan Times
Sep 28, 2017
London's homeless estimated at 12,000, with many 'sofa surfing' or resorting to 'survival sex' with strangers
For each person sleeping rough on London's streets, there are 13 more "hidden homeless" who sofa surf, sleep on buses, squat or have sex with strangers each night, a report said on Wednesday.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?