Tag - holdings



BUSINESS / Companies
Mar 27, 2013
Seibu rebuffs takeover bid by U.S. fund Cerberus
Seibu Holdings Inc. said Tuesday it opposes a takeover bid by its top shareholder, U.S. private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management LP, because the move could undermine the railway and hotel operator's corporate value.
Jul 4, 2011
The risks of 'disaster nationalism'
A common sight seen throughout Japan these days are signs that read Ganbaro Nippon (translated "Don't give up Japan").
Reader Mail
Feb 24, 2011
Dogs have a rich emotional life
I must beg to differ with Grant Piper's views expressed in his Feb. 20 letter. From my own observations and those of a number of respected authors, it is safe to say that many animals have a very rich emotional life and are capable of higher emotions such as empathy, sadness and joy. I dare say some...
Jul 8, 2009
Police's security camera plan
The National Police Agency has announced a plan to set up security camera networks in 15 residential areas in 14 prefectures, with 25 cameras installed in each area. The police already have 363 security cameras in operation at busy shopping and entertainment districts across the nation.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly