Tag - history



Japan Times
Mar 14, 2014
Symbolic Crimea vital to Putin legacy
When Russian President Vladimir Putin flew into the Ukrainian port of Sevastopol in Crimea last year, he made a pilgrimage to several sites associated with Russia's tumultuous history.
Japan Times
Mar 12, 2014
Hasekura Tsunenaga's portrait has a tale to tell
History is littered with grand projects and dashed expectations that are no less intriguing than its moments of triumph and heroism. A large portrait in oils of a splendidly attired, mid-ranking samurai posing regally in a Roman palace in the early 1600s bears witness to one such episode.
Mar 8, 2014
Media complicit in normalizing xenophobia
Since Japanese reporters are averse to characterizing domestic right-wing positions as being extreme, those positions come across as being normal, even sensible.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Mar 4, 2014
Amid Ukraine turmoil, ghosts of Cold War return to haunt Eastern Europe
Alzbeta Ehrnhofer was a 13-year-old Slovak schoolgirl when the Soviet Army poured into Czechoslovakia to "restore order" after the 1968 Prague Spring promised some freedoms to the Warsaw Pact nation.
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2014
China, eyeing Japan, seeks WWII focus for Xi during Germany visit
China wants to make World War II a key part of a trip by President Xi Jinping to Germany next month, much to Berlin's discomfort, diplomatic sources said, as Beijing tries to use German atonement for its wartime past to embarrass Japan.
Japan Times
Feb 19, 2014
NHK chief tells board 'comfort women' remarks no big deal
The controversy swirling around NHK shows no sign of simmering down, with Chairman Katsuto Momii reportedly playing down the explosive nature of the remarks he made at his first news conference in January over the wartime brothels used by the Imperial Japanese military.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Feb 18, 2014
Freud's hysteria theory backed by brain scans
Sigmund Freud may have been right about repressed memories causing hysteria.
Japan Times
Feb 14, 2014
Drift rightward has been building for years
Fashion model Junko Amo made headlines on Aug. 15, 2002, when she initiated a visit to controversial Yasukuni Shrine with a group of some 180 people she met via 2channel, Japan's biggest Internet forum.
Japan Times
Feb 3, 2014
Yasukuni: It's open to interpretation
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to Yasukuni Shrine in December stirred outrage at home and abroad because he was perceived as promoting his revisionist views on wartime history and violating the constitutional separation of state and religion.
Jan 31, 2014
Reckless politicization of textbooks
A revised government guideline for textbook writing states that the Takeshima islets in the Sea of Japan and the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea are to be treated unequivovally as Japan's territories.
Jan 11, 2014
History textbook wars cross borders
Japan is hardly alone in confronting shame about past events and whether to describe them in textbooks. Germany, the United States and China are undergoing similar debates.
Japan Times
Jan 5, 2014
The outbreak of the Great War: 100 years on
On New Year's Day 1914, a respected weekly literary publication carried a long article penned by an author referred to only as A Rifleman. Entitled "Letters on War" and published in The New Age, an influential radical magazine in Britain, the three-page piece argued forcefully in favor of military conflict....
Jan 3, 2014
Century engine starts now
The last two centuries (and possibly more) didn't 'start' with the turning of the calendar from 00 to 01. Each century began bending the arc of history, in essence, in its 14th year.
Jan 3, 2014
Has the world hit the end of the end of history?
Almost 25 years after the intellectual and political collapse of communism, another — and by far grander — narrative of promised progress is unraveling: that of liberal capitalism.
Jan 1, 2014
Lucky food, charming decorations and visiting deities: welcoming the new year with history and tradition
Wearing kimono, getting together with family and friends, and not working for the first three days of a new year. Shogatsu, or New Year's, is when Japanese generally work less than the rest of the world.


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan