Tag - history



Japan Times
May 11, 2014
Eternal City celebrates legacy of first emperor
Rome, a city that thinks in millenniums, is going through a bout of "Augustus fever" to mark the 2,000th anniversary of the death of its first emperor, who left his mark on Rome and Western civilization like few others.
May 8, 2014
Sunni-Shiite divide pre-empts tranquil future
As long as Sunnis and Shiites refuse to think about their past together, it is difficult to foresee a tranquil future for Iraq.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
May 2, 2014
Soviet echoes in Red Square rally
Russia staged a huge May Day parade on Moscow's Red Square for the first time since the Soviet era on Thursday, with workers holding banners proclaiming support for President Vladimir Putin after the seizure of territory from Ukraine.
Japan Times
May 1, 2014
Team to hunt shipwreck gold off U.S. coast
A deep-sea exploration company is seeking to recover a lucrative haul of gold aboard the shipwreck of the SS Central America nearly 160 years after it sank off the coast of South Carolina in a hurricane.
Japan Times
Apr 25, 2014
Serendipity aids Egypt's toil to recover stolen heritage
When French Egyptologist Olivier Perdu saw a fragment of a pharaonic statue on display in a Brussels gallery last year, he assumed it was a twin of an ancient masterpiece he had examined in Egypt a quarter of a century earlier.
Apr 22, 2014
Failed gamble in New World still relevant to Scots
A few years before giving up its independence, Scotland took a bold gamble to secure a brighter future, founding a colony on the isthmus of Panama to corner trade between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
Japan Times
Apr 10, 2014
Britain's MI5 guarded Boy Scouts from Communist, fascist infiltration between world wars
Britain's Security Service, known as MI5, worked with the Boy Scout movement to help it avoid infiltration by both communists and fascists between the world wars, previously secret papers show.
Japan Times
Apr 6, 2014
London church may have Shakespearean ties
Some people believe Shakespeare may have worshipped at St. Leonard's church, and that it might even have inspired scenes in "Romeo and Juliet."
Japan Times
Apr 5, 2014
Harvard 'human skin' book used sheepskin
A 17th-century book owned by Harvard Law School, thought to have been bound in human skin because of an inscription that referred to a man "flayed alive," has been shown through scientific testing to have been bound in sheepskin.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Mar 30, 2014
Black Death wasn't spread by fleas
Archaeologists and forensic scientists who have examined 25 skeletons unearthed in the Clerkenwell area of central London a year ago believe they have uncovered the truth about the nature of the Black Death that ravaged Britain and Europe in the mid-14th century.
Japan Times
Mar 23, 2014
Germans finally start poking fun at the Fuhrer
If Hitler were alive today, would he become a standup comic? Incredible though that may sound to anyone who lived through World War II, that is the scenario sketched out in "Look Who's Back," a satirical novel by Timur Vermes, which topped the best-seller lists in Germany after its publication in 2012...
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Mar 16, 2014
Did climate — or man — kill off megafauna?
They were some of the strangest animals to walk the Earth: wombats as big as hippos, sloths larger than bears, four-tusked elephants and an armadillo that would have dwarfed a VW Beetle. They flourished for millions of years, then vanished from our planet just as humans emerged from their African homeland....


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan