Tag - history-3



Japan Times
Aug 3, 2019
New Chinese history textbook to stress territorial rights over Japan-administered Senkakus
A new Chinese history textbook will stress that the disputed Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture have been part of China since ancient times, according to the Global Times, a newspaper affiliated with the Communist Party of China.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Jul 31, 2019
Japan fears compromise on South Korea wartime labor could open Pandora's box of WWII issues
Tokyo worries the ripple effects of South Korea's top court ordering Japanese firms to pay redress could cascade into other issues, and reignite war compensation issues with other countries.
Jul 28, 2019
Thousands protest development on sacred Maori land in New Zealand
Thousands of people protested in New Zealand on Saturday against a proposed housing development on land seen as sacred to the indigenous Maori people, despite efforts by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to calm the dispute.
Japan Times
Jul 28, 2019
Anti-Moon YouTubers in South Korea win fans in Japan
Japanese citizens angry at South Korea's role in a diplomatic row over their wartime history that has spilled into trade have found some unlikely allies: South Korean commentators using YouTube to attack their own president, Moon Jae-in.
Japan Times
Jul 27, 2019
'China and Japan': Facing off across the aeons, two giants of East Asia
Ezra Vogel's 'China and Japan' is a timely reminder of how public perceptions are shaped by political expediency, how new leaders and propaganda can efface existing goodwill.
Japan Times
Jul 26, 2019
Groups representing Tasmania's Aboriginal communities divided over new place-naming policy
The sandstone rock shelters on Tasmania's Mount Wellington were built by indigenous tribes thousands of years ago, but it was only in 2014 that the mountain started officially being called by its indigenous name, Kunanyi.
Japan Times
Jul 19, 2019
Myanmar military units linked to Rohingya atrocities accused of committing new abuses
When 35-year-old Ah Hla went to a police station in western Myanmar in late April hoping to see her husband among the prisoners, she didn't know if he was still alive.
Japan Times
ASIA PACIFIC / Science & Health
Jul 19, 2019
Moon landing's 'Dish' telescope still transmitting from Australia
It is known as "The Dish" and it soars above a nondescript paddock in rural Australia. Without it, hundreds of millions of people would never have seen all of the generation-defining footage of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon 50 years ago.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jul 19, 2019
Mosque dating from Islam's arrival in Holy Land found
Archaeologists in Israel have discovered the remains of one of the world's oldest rural mosques, built around the time Islam arrived in the Holy Land, they said on Thursday.
Japan Times
Jul 14, 2019
Bangladesh's Ershad, opposition leader and former army ruler, dies at 90
The former military ruler of Bangladesh, Hussain Muhammad Ershad, died on Sunday at age 90 following age-related health complications.
Japan Times
Jul 13, 2019
India's ruling party to revive plan for Hindu settlements in Kashmir
India's ruling party will revive a plan to build secured camps to resettle scores of Hindus in the Muslim-dominated Kashmir Valley, a senior leader said, a proposal that would almost certainly heighten tensions in the restive region.
Jul 13, 2019
Taboo family registry records from Meiji Era sold at auction in Japan again
Documents apparently showing family registry records from the Meiji Era called jinshin koseki, currently prohibited due to descriptions of social classes and criminal histories, have been auctioned online again, it has been learned.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 13, 2019
61% of South Koreans blame Japanese government for diplomatic row
A total of 61 percent of South Koreans blame the Japanese government alone for the recent diplomatic friction between Seoul and Tokyo, an opinion poll in South Korea has shown.


Dul Saroth (left) and Soeum Samrach, deminers with the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority, practice using the Advanced Landmine Imaging System in Cambodia’s Siem Reap province in August.
The Japanese tech that could one day make Southeast Asia landmine-free