Tag - history-3



Japan Times
Aug 15, 2015
Emperor voices 'deep remorse' over war at 70th anniversary of surrender; ministers visit Yasukuni
In comments in Tokyo to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, Emperor Akihito refers to his u2018deep remorse' over wartime events.
Japan Times
Aug 12, 2015
Requesting a WWII apology for the long forgotten: the Japanese people
The Japanese people have waited 70 years for their political leadership to apologize for having led them into a disastrous war.
Aug 11, 2015
The historian who helped kill the Soviet Union
Born in the same year as the Soviet Union, historian Robert Conquest helped kill it with information.
Japan Times
Aug 9, 2015
Is Japan equipped to handle historic decisions that cost lives, limbs and loved ones?
Perhaps calendars should indicate not just holidays, but the dates on which important people in our collective pasts made decisions that caused tremendous harm.
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 6, 2015
Abe advisory panel cites wartime 'aggression' but fails to address recent revisionism
A key advisory panel to Shinzo Abe published its report Thursday on Japan's modern history and postwar reconciliation, strongly criticizing the wartime "aggression" against other Asian countries but touching little on recent controversies over what is widely regarded as the prime minister's revisionist...
Japan Times
Aug 5, 2015
Mount Koya sites exemplify 'parallel universe' where war criminals are martyrs
Japanese leaders who continue to condone the country's wartime actions inhabit a 'parallel universe' whose version of WWII history is at odds with the rest of the world's.
Japan Times
Aug 5, 2015
Abe, offer a WWII apology alluding to the shame the West should share
The prime minister should explain to the world that he is sorry for the implications of Japan's warmongering past but rather glad that Japan avoided the fate of its neighbors by treading the imperial path.
Japan Times
Aug 5, 2015
A more complex portrayal of Emperor Hirohito
Emperor Hirohito, who is posthumously known as Emperor Showa, had a procession of public images during his long reign from 1926 to 1989 — though none were quite accurate.
Japan Times
Aug 3, 2015
Taiwan school textbook row highlights antipathy to 'one China'
Protests in Taiwan over textbook revisions that students say aim to brainwash them into accepting a "one China" view of history underscore the island's growing sense of independence from its vast neighbor and geopolitical foe.
Japan Times
JAPAN / History
Aug 1, 2015
Exploring Japan's military past
History buffs in Japan can also visit a variety of sites related to this country's military past. In addition to the enormous Yushukan Museum on the grounds of the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward (www.yasukuni.or.jp/english/yushukan), numerous spots with historical significance can be found within...
Japan Times
JAPAN / History
Aug 1, 2015
Pictures of World War II Imperial shelter released to public for first time in 50 years
The Imperial Household Agency on Saturday released the first images in half a century of an air-raid shelter where Emperor Hirohito and his ministers made some of Japan's most momentous decisions during World War II.
Japan Times
JAPAN / History
Aug 1, 2015
Master recording of Hirohito's war-end speech released in digital form
A recording of Emperor Hirohito's voice declaring Japan's surrender in World War II has been brought back to life after 70 years, in a previously unavailable, higher quality recording of the historic broadcast that was made available to the public Sunday.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 30, 2015
Kyoto bids to host Cultural Affairs Agency
The city of Kyoto is stepping up efforts to become the new home of the Cultural Affairs Agency, which works to protect Japan's officially designated cultural treasures.
Jul 28, 2015
Sunken armada in shallows yields $1 million in treasure for Florida treasure-hunting family
A Florida family who has hunted treasure for years found more than $1 million worth of gold artifacts this summer from the wreckage of a 1715 Spanish fleet that sank in the Atlantic, according to a salvage company's estimate.
WORLD / Society
Jul 28, 2015
Ireland to hand adoptees birth records for first time
Ireland will allow tens of thousands of adopted people access to their birth certificates for the first time under proposed legislation that some advocacy groups say could still deprive many of their identities.
Japan Times
Jul 27, 2015
A crash course in wartime Japanese terminology for foreign demons
Ahead of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, here's a look at the words, phrases and concepts that found wide usage in the fateful years leading up to 1945.


Dul Saroth (left) and Soeum Samrach, deminers with the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority, practice using the Advanced Landmine Imaging System in Cambodia’s Siem Reap province in August.
The Japanese tech that could one day make Southeast Asia landmine-free