Tag - heart-disease



High blood pressure is the world’s single biggest indicator of death risk, yet it receives little attention and even less funding.
Jun 28, 2024
The world’s biggest killer that you never considered
One of the most dangerous health conditions, high blood pressure, could be tackled easily and cheaply across the globe. But it's getting less attention than other issues.
Akira Endo was born on Nov. 14, 1933, in Yurihonjo, a city in a mountainous area near the Sea of Japan.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Jun 15, 2024
Akira Endo, scholar of statins that reduce heart disease, dies at 90
His research on fungi helped lay the groundwork for widely prescribed drugs that lower a type of cholesterol that contributes to heart disease.
Even a slightly high blood pressure raises the risk of strokes and other diseases, a study finds.
JAPAN / Science & Health
May 14, 2024
Even slightly high blood pressure ups vascular disease risks
According to the Japanese Society of Hypertension, the country has an estimated 43 million hypertension patients.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health
May 31, 2023
Retired people have lower risk of heart disease, study finds
The study found that the risk of developing heart disease was 2.2 percentage points lower for retired people than for working people.
Japan Times
Feb 3, 2023
In a health system in crisis, Britain's heart care suffers
The British Heart Foundation charity says full treatment after a heart attack should begin within 18 weeks but a third of patients are currently not being seen within that time.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Apr 2, 2022
Does moderate drinking protect your heart? A genetic study offers a new answer.
The risk of heart disease is small if people have an average of seven drinks a week when compared with none. But it increases quickly as the level of alcohol consumption rises.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Mar 10, 2022
U.S. man with transplanted genetically modified pig heart dies
The patient, David Bennett, 'wasn't able to overcome what turned out to be the devastating debilitation' caused by the heart failure he experienced before the transplant.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jan 11, 2022
U.S. man recovering after 'breakthrough' pig-heart transplant
The surgery is among the first to demonstrate the feasibility of a pig-to-human heart transplant, a field made possible by new gene editing tools.
Japan Times
May 17, 2021
Long work hours are a killer, WHO study shows
The study showed that people living in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific region — a WHO-defined region which includes China, Japan and Australia — were the most affected.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Nov 17, 2019
Stents are no better than drugs for many heart patients, major study finds
Many patients with severe but stable heart disease who routinely undergo invasive procedures to clear and prop open clogged arteries would do as well by just taking medications and making lifestyle changes, U.S. researchers reported on Saturday.
WORLD / Science & Health
May 28, 2019
Scientists zoom in on bug behind strep throat and scarlet fever
Scientists studying a bacterium that causes scarlet fever, severe sore throat and a form of heart disease say they are closer to developing a vaccine that could one day prevent hundred of thousands of infections a year.
WORLD / Science & Health
Jan 11, 2019
Study details how high-fiber diets make for healthier lives and lower risk of diseases
People who eat lots of high-fiber and whole grain foods have lower risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other chronic diseases than people whose diets are low in fiber, a study commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) says.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health / FOCUS
Sep 2, 2018
The race is on to lead medical AI revolution
Armed with a computer screen and mouse instead of a scalpel in an operating theater, cardiologist Benjamin Meder carefully places the electrodes of a pacemaker in a beating digital heart.
WORLD / Science & Health
May 5, 2018
WHO sets draft recommendations for saturated and trans fats to curb heart disease
Adults and children should consume a maximum of 10 percent of their daily calories in the form of saturated fat such as meat and butter and 1 percent from trans fats to reduce the risk of heart disease, the World Health Organization said on Friday.
Japan Times
Jan 8, 2018
Food science caught between the head and the heart
'Heart-healthy' foods could be bad for the brain, new research suggests. What's a careful eater to do?
Japan Times
Dec 19, 2017
Tiny stem cell firms close in on major heart disease goals
The early hope that stem cell therapy would make the paralyzed walk, the blind see and cure diabetes have given way to a long list of failures, highlighted by early stem cell champion Geron Corp. abandoning the field in 2011.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Nov 23, 2017
Three coffees a day linked to more health than harm, study says
People who drink three to four cups of coffee a day are more likely to see health benefits than harm, experiencing lower risks of premature death and heart disease than those who abstain, scientists said on Wednesday.


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