Tag - health-3



Dec 24, 2013
Debt-issuance levels point to lack of concern for debt: experts
Experts say the draft fiscal 2014 budget doesn't show that the Abe team is serious about revising the debt-driven fiscal structure as more than 40 percent of the budget will be paid for through new debt issuance.
Dec 15, 2013
The hallowed role of the U.S. emergency room
Emergency rooms are the black boxes of the U.S. health care system. From TV hospital dramas, Americans see them as citadels of chaotic caring but otherwise harbor myths about them.
Dec 14, 2013
Nursing services under the knife
The health and welfare ministry plans to end some services under the nursing care insurance system for people whose conditions are not so severe, and have municipalities take them over.
Japan Times
Dec 12, 2013
U.S. health-insurance enrollments rise as website improves
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Wednesday that the ailing health insurance website was improving thanks to "relentless" efforts to work out the bugs, and she cited an uptick in enrollment as evidence that the program is back on track after a false start.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Dec 9, 2013
Ticked off by a red-meat allergy?
Almost every time he eats a steak, Mack Halsey develops hives on his arms and legs. Burgers are no better. About two to four hours after a meal, his skin starts to itch and break out in hives.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Dec 5, 2013
Treading a healthy path — whichever road you take
In the mid-19th century, a British undertaker by the name of William Banting was struggling to shed some pounds despite having tried every diet known at the time.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Dec 2, 2013
Should we put the sleep-aids debate to bed?
Every morning I am greeted by Facebook friends complaining of sleepless nights or awakenings. I know the feeling — as do many other people.
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Nov 28, 2013
A festival that'll literally send you running
Learn from the experts how to properly exercise by joining two former Olympic athletes at the Jogging Matsuri 2013 on Nov. 30 in Yokohama's Minato Mirai Sports Park.
Nov 23, 2013
Obamacare shows Americans are growing callous
The challenge Democrats face is finding a way to convince people that helping their neighbors is still worthwhile even as the median voter becomes less likely to agree.
Nov 23, 2013
U.S. health care enrollment surges
After anemic enrollment in the new health insurance marketplaces in October, states have started to see a much faster pace of sign-ups in November, prompting health policy researchers to announce a "November surge."
Japan Times
Nov 15, 2013
TELL vet helps cast net wider to reach kids, stop suicides
The Tokyo English Life Line has been providing support and counseling services to Japan's international community for 40 years. Vickie Skorji, the new director of the Lifeline hot line service, has played a pivotal role in its activities.
Japan Times
Nov 12, 2013
About 40,000 Americans have reportedly signed up for plans on HealthCare.gov
Roughly 40,000 Americans have signed up for private insurance through the flawed federal online insurance marketplace since it opened six weeks ago, according to two people with access to the figures.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health
Nov 9, 2013
Robot surgery gripes double
The number of adverse incident reports involving Intuitive Surgical Inc.'s robots has more than doubled this year, according to U.S. regulators, who just released a physician survey showing no consistent training exists for the machines, which are also used in Japan.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Nov 9, 2013
U.S. insurers directed to treat mental health issues the same as physical ailments
The Obama administration issued a final rule Friday requiring insurers to treat mental health and substance-abuse problems the same way they do physical illnesses.
Japan Times
Nov 6, 2013
English teacher suffering with cancer and HIV completes 'Yamathon' Tokyo walk
Neil Grainger and a group of supporters completed an epic walk around Tokyo's famous Yamanote Line on Sunday to raise money for his treatment and cancer charities.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?