Tag - harassment



Jul 1, 2014
Weak response to sexist taunts
The way in which the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly's effectively closed the book on the sexist jeering of a female assembly member during a plenary session raises doubts as to whether the assembly takes sexual harassment seriously.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society / FOCUS
Jul 1, 2014
Beijing quietly tightening grip on Hong Kong
Since Britain handed back colonial Hong Kong in 1997, retired primary school teacher and Falun Gong devotee Lau Wai-hing has fully exercised the freedoms China promised this city of 7.2 million.
Jun 26, 2014
Activists demand action on sexism
While the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly and the ruling Liberal Democratic Party hope the furor over misogynist comments will swiftly blow over, others are continuing to press for a crackdown on discriminatory behavior in politics.
Jun 24, 2014
Harassment rife in local assemblies
The sexist taunting of a female politician during a session of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly is part of a long-running problem and victims often suffer in silence, some assembly members say.
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 19, 2014
Female Your Party member interrupted by sexist heckles
The sexist nature of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly is revealed after a member is verbally harassed by her male colleagues while addressing the national birthrate problem.
Japan Times
Jun 16, 2014
Harassers exploit Gaba's 'man-to-man' lesson format
The first sign that Olivia's Gaba lesson would be anything but ordinary came when her student insisted during the warmup that he didn't like wearing clothes.
Feb 1, 2014
Harassment for acting like a dad
According to a Japanese trade union survey, more than one in every 10 working men have either been barred from taking childcare leave or harassed for even applying.
JAPAN / Society
Jan 24, 2014
Over 1 in 10 men have experienced 'paternity harassment': survey
Survey results show a staggering gap between the government's push for a family-friendly working environment and workplace realities.
Japan Times
Dec 25, 2013
First lady scrutinizes blackballing of beauty queen
Ikumi Yoshimatsu's pursuit of stalking charges against powerful talent agency executives Genichi Taniguchi draws the attention of first lady Akie Abe.
Dec 11, 2013
Celebrity stands up to talent agency 'stalker'
Miss International, Ikuu00admi You00adshiu00admau00adtsu, files criminal and civil charges against one of Japan's most powerful talent agencies' executives for stalking her and attempting to ruin her career.
Nov 30, 2013
Upgrading rules on harassment
The labor ministry is planning to tighten and enforce the country's guidelines for harassment in the workplace. Included is a reconsideration of office conversations between people of the same gender.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society / FOCUS
Nov 12, 2013
Russian nationalism stokes ethnic strife
When Russians celebrated the Day of National Unity last week, marchers waving imperial flags and shouting racist slogans paraded through cities across the country while ethnic minority citizens and migrants from the former Soviet Union stayed out of sight, better to avoid a beating.
Japan Times
Nov 4, 2013
No safe country for foreign women: the debate
Holly Lanasolyluna's article published Oct. 23 attracted an unprecedented number of online comments. More than 5,000 people also answered the accompanying poll about safety in Japan. Here are just some of the mails and comments.
Japan Times
Oct 23, 2013
Japan: no safe country for foreign women
When I first moved to Japan, I tolerated the staring, following and the persistent pickup artists, but after being assaulted twice in public, they have taken on darker undertones.
Japan Times
Oct 23, 2013
Tokyo: Do you feel safe while out and about in Japan?
Women in the capital give their views on the safety — or otherwise — of Japan's streets.
Japan Times
Jul 15, 2013
Russian activist pays high price for actions
After three men in this heavily polluted city west of Yekaterinburg beat Stepan Chernogubov unconscious, fracturing his skull and knocking out three teeth, criminal investigators took him, still bleeding, to a police station where they questioned him for four hours and then threatened to bring charges...


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties