Tag - hajj



Muslim pilgrims use umbrellas to shade themselves from the sun as they arrive at the base of Mount Arafat, also known as Jabal al-Rahma or Mount of Mercy, during the annual hajj pilgrimage, on June 15.
Jun 28, 2024
Climate change boosted deadly Saudi Hajj heat by 2.5 degrees, scientists say
The heat would have been approximately 2.5 degrees Celsius cooler without the influence of human-caused climate change, according to a team of European scientists.
Muslim pilgrims pray as sprinklers cool them down amid extremely hot weather during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mina, Saudi Arabia, on June 16.
Jun 24, 2024
Saudi Arabia says 1,301 deaths during Hajj were mostly unregistered pilgrims
Temperatures in Mecca this year climbed as high as 51.8 degrees Celsius, according to Saudi Arabia's national meteorological center.
Muslim pilgrims shade themselves from the sun as they arrive at the base of Mount Arafat during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia on June 15.
Jun 23, 2024
Egyptian Hajj death toll rises to 672 amid intense heat
A crisis unit tasked with investigating the situation said on Saturday it has suspended licenses of 16 tourism companies and referred them to the public prosecutor.
A man affected by the scorching heat is helped by a member of the Saudi security forces as Muslim pilgrims arrive in Mina, near Saudi Arabia's holy city of Mecca, on June 16.
ENVIRONMENT / Climate change
Jun 20, 2024
Climate change threat hangs over Hajj as hundreds perish in heat
More than 500 people have died during this year's pilgrimage, according to a tally based on foreign ministry statements and sources.
Pilgrims circle Kaaba as they perform Tawaf at the Grand Mosque, ahead of the annual Hajj pilgrimage, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on June 11.
WORLD / Society
Jun 12, 2024
Gaza war hangs over Hajj as pilgrims flock to Mecca
Saudi Arabia's minister in charge of religious pilgrimages warned last week that "no political activity" will be tolerated.
Japan Times
Jun 27, 2023
Hajj pilgrims endure Saudi summer as climate change turns up the heat
Global warming has made Saudi Arabia's desert climate even hotter in recent years, probably exceeding the temperatures of the Prophet Muhammed's time about 1,400 years ago.
Japan Times
Jun 25, 2023
Huge crowds circle Kaaba as Hajj begins in Saudi heat
Islam's holiest site is expected to host more than 2 million worshippers from 160 countries during the annual rites that could break attendance records.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Sep 12, 2016
Drones monitor millions of pilgrims climbing Mount Arafat for hajj climax
Saudi authorities deployed drones to watch over nearly 2 million pilgrims as they descended Mount Arafat on Sunday and entered the hajj's final stages, part of stepped-up efforts to avoid a repeat of last year's crush amid an escalating war of words with Iran.
Japan Times
Oct 1, 2015
Saudis report seizure of boatload of Yemen-bound Iranian arms; Tehran again slams hajj debacle
The confrontation between Saudi Arabia and Iran escalated on Wednesday, as the kingdom said it foiled an Iranian arms shipment to Yemeni rebels and the Islamic Republic again hit out over last week's fatal Hajj stampede in Mecca.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly