Tag - global-economy



Japan Times
May 25, 2021
The U.S. and its immigration calculus
Higher levels of immigration may help to explain why U.S. GDP growth often exceeds that of Japan.
Japan Times
May 25, 2021
This Bitcoin chaos will blow up your cyberpunk utopia
The mania and panic that have gripped decentralized cryptocurrencies are heightening the attraction of their coming rivals: digital cash, issued by central banks.
Japan Times
May 25, 2021
Deputy U.S Treasury chief sees G7 support for 15%-plus global minimum tax
The U.S. global minimum tax proposal is expected to be a key topic of discussion at a preliminary virtual G7 finance leaders meeting on Friday.
Japan Times
May 24, 2021
Sea change: Global freight sails out of the digital dark ages
'The switch to digital used to be seen as a vitamin, now it's a painkiller,' says Loadsmart CEO Ricardo Salgado.
Japan Times
May 24, 2021
World’s semiconductor supply is in danger unless Taiwan gets vaccines
Taiwan's predicament illustrates its strategic yet vulnerable position at the confluence of U.S.-China tensions.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
May 24, 2021
First warning sign in the global commodity boom flashes in China
Economic data for April suggest that both China's economic expansion and its credit impulse may already have crested, putting its recent rally on a precarious footing.
Japan Times
May 23, 2021
What explains America’s antagonism toward China?
In the last few years, the view of China as a strategic rival has taken over the American political mainstream, with leaders largely choosing confrontation over cooperation.
Japan Times
May 22, 2021
Make semiconductors a Japan-U.S. alliance priority
Consumer electronics makers, such as computer, video game and phone makers, have warned that they cannot keep pace with demand.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
May 20, 2021
Taiwan’s once blistering economy is battered from all sides
Taiwan is facing major threats from a surge in coronavirus cases and drought-triggered power outages, potentially derailing one of Asia's economic success stories this year.
Japan Times
May 18, 2021
The expected high-growth sectors in the post-recovery decade
Businesses that survived the pandemic closures (many with support from fiscal programs) will experience rapid expansion, powered by pent-up demand.
Japan Times
May 17, 2021
The world economy is suddenly running low on everything
A year ago, as the pandemic ravaged country after country, consumers were the ones panic-buying. Today, on the rebound, it's companies furiously stocking up.
Japan Times
May 16, 2021
Russia’s bear economy
Lacking secure property rights and being subject to Western sanctions, Russia can attract only fools and crooks.
Japan Times
May 11, 2021
China makes us rethink capitalism
Make no mistake: China is in many important ways a capitalist country; but Chinese capitalism is a very different animal from that practiced in the West.
Japan Times
May 9, 2021
Colonization by other means: China’s debt-trap diplomacy
In stark contrast to China's loans, interest rates for Japan's infrastructure loans to developing countries, for example, mostly run below half a percent.
Japan Times
May 4, 2021
Central Asia’s Afghan route to prosperity
A high-ranking Taliban delegation visited Turkmenistan on Feb. 6, promising to support the project, an indication the U.S., which backs the pipeline, may have facilitated the trip.
Japan Times
May 2, 2021
India’s COVID-19 crisis threatens a global oil recovery
Stay-at-home advisories are likely to hit motor fuels, which until now had been supported by a mass switch from public transport to private cars and motorbikes.
Japan Times
May 2, 2021
The two sides of Chinese GDP
And the key takeaway here is that China remains a poor country, despite its phenomenal headline GDP growth over the past four decades.
Japan Times
Apr 29, 2021
Pandemic boost for global car sales to spark surge in oil demand
The car renaissance could be the latest example of how COVID-19 will leave a lasting impact on our lives.
Japan Times
Apr 28, 2021
Social capital: The overlooked variable to economic growth
Social capital is the glue that holds communities together. Under the right conditions, such mutually beneficial social interactions lead to economic growth and better health outcomes.
Japan Times
Apr 27, 2021
Economic issues, once divisive, now bind Japan and the U.S.
The two governments' discussion of economic issues is a path to mobilization and cooperation, not contestation (at least between themselves).


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks