Tag - genocide



Japan Times
Apr 16, 2022
Why Ukraine war crimes trials could take many years
Long after the fighting ends, any prosecutions and trials arising from it could be barely beginning. Here is a look at the complexities of bringing aggressors to justice.
Japan Times
Mar 21, 2022
Biden administration rules Myanmar army committed genocide against Rohingya
Advocates say the move should help bolster efforts to hold the junta that now runs Myanmar accountable.
Japan Times
Feb 11, 2022
‘Sapiens’? Humans aren’t wise, just too smart for our own good.
Perhaps that's what defines our species — neither wisdom nor folly, but the ability, as F. Scott Fitzgerald put it, to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still function.
Japan Times
Jan 23, 2022
Uyghurs in Turkey call for boycott of Beijing Games
'China stop the genocide, China close the camps', chanted the demonstrators, some holding up a banner reading 'Stop Genocide Olympics'.
Japan Times
Jan 4, 2022
Tesla opens showroom in China’s Xinjiang region, cited by U.S. as genocide hub
The move comes just over a week after U.S. President Joe Biden signed a bipartisan bill requiring firms to prove their activities in Xinjiang don't involve forced labor.
Japan Times
ASIA PACIFIC / Crime & Legal
Dec 7, 2021
Facebook facing mounting legal fights over Myanmar genocide
Rohingya refugees blame the social media company for allowing the 'out-of-control spread of anti-Rohingya content” despite repeated warnings about deadly consequences.
Japan Times
Jul 2, 2021
Canada Day muted as country reckons with treatment of indigenous people
The discovery of hundreds of remains of children in unmarked graves at former indigenous schools has sparked a reckoning with the country's colonial past.
Japan Times
Jun 7, 2021
Genocide claims bolstered by report of China's policies curbing Uyghur births
In Xinjiang counties where Uyghurs are the majority birth rates dropped 50.1% in 2019, compared to a 19.7% drop in majority ethnic Han counties.
Japan Times
May 31, 2021
Australia and New Zealand call on China to let U.N. visit Xinjiang
A joint statement from the leaders' annual meeting also included statements on Hong Kong and the South China Sea, two other areas that China regards as domestic affairs.
Japan Times
May 24, 2021
'Running out of time': Tibetan president-elect warns of cultural genocide
Rights groups and Tibetans in Tibet say the government has put strict controls on religion, language education and labor, while encouraging immigration by Han people.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Apr 24, 2021
Biden tells Turkey leader he’ll brand Armenian massacres as genocide
U.S. President Joe Biden told Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday that he intends to recognize the 1915 massacres of Armenians as a genocide, according to people familiar with a call between the leaders, a move that will likely strain already tense U.S.-Turkish relations.
Japan Times
Apr 12, 2021
After outcry, Vice removes images adding smiles to Khmer Rouge victims
Cambodia condemned images published by U.S. media group VICE featuring newly colourized photographs of the Khmer Rouge 'killing fields' victims.
Japan Times
Apr 3, 2021
Japan is finding it harder to stay quiet on China’s abuse of Uyghurs
Public awareness of the issue is growing in the country, spurred in part by the work of Uyghur activists, and that is increasing pressure on the government to take action.
Japan Times
Mar 28, 2021
On eve of Myanmar coup, Pompeo rejected effort to declare Rohingya 'genocide'
The 11th-hour scramble inside the State Department underscores how the United States had struggled to formulate consistent policy toward Myanmar.
Japan Times
Feb 23, 2021
Xinjiang genocide vote pressures Trudeau to take harder line on China
The nonbinding declaration from lawmakers represents a clear signal that they want Trudeau to maintain pressure on Beijing over human rights.
Japan Times
Jan 20, 2021
In parting shot, Trump administration accuses China of 'genocide' against Uyghurs
The U.S. decision does not automatically trigger any penalties, but means countries will have to think hard about allowing companies to do business with Xinjiang.
Japan Times
Jan 15, 2021
China possibly committed 'genocide' in Xinjiang, U.S. Congress panel reports
The report calls for a formal U.S. 'determination on whether atrocities are being committed' within 90 days of legislation passed on Dec. 27.
Japan Times
Jan 14, 2021
U.S. bans all Xinjiang cotton products and tomatoes over forced labor
The move is the latest in a series of actions where the U.S. is raising pressure on China over some companies' alleged ill-treatment of workers.
Japan Times
Sep 12, 2020
As Myanmar erases names of destroyed Rohingya villages, U.N. map-makers follow suit
On maps produced in 2020 by the U.N. mapping unit in Myanmar, which it says are based on Myanmar government maps, the site of the destroyed village is now nameless.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
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